eSpark Logo


Contest Holder dvinca ?

Last Logged in : 5138days6hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: eSpark Logo
Industry: Education Logo
Contest Launched: Feb 04, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 41 concepts
Winning Design by: 7stars
Close Date: Feb 14, 2011

eSpark Logo - Education

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

eSpark Logo


where learning meets fun


eSpark is the new name for ePod Club, a new company using mobile devices like the iPod Touch for learning. The company sells a tutoring service and a software application for elementary school students. see for more info



Web 2.0
Web 2.0

High Tech

We love our current logo and colors ( but open to other colors.


We like our existing logo, here: But we need to change our name to eSpark and want a new logo something like what we have mocked up here:

We have in mind that we'd like something that has a shield in it like many elite universities. We have a draft logo design in the link above that should give you a gist for what we are looking for.
Key things in this logo are:
1.) shield/coat of arms with squares that look like mobile apps
2.) eSpark text is included
3.) where learning meets fun tagline in included (later we'd also like the logo without the tagline)
3.) Book and math are symbols in the shield
other aspects about the logo we are open to.

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  • February 12, 2011 10:01 PM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    One last change on #40 I promise. Can you take the white thing off the kid on the far left's hat? Just keep the hat plain without that white thing. Thanks a lot. Then I will finalize on this one. Thank you.

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  • February 12, 2011 10:06 AM
    7stars 7stars
    Hi PH, you sure say "will increase the prize amount if one of the logos wins " :D

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  • February 12, 2011 8:48 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    #39 is almost perfect. Can you make these small changes: 1) eliminate the math symbols from all the students shirts. 2) Keep the girl with blond hair and red dress (and / on her dress) the way she was in logo #37 (blond hair, skin, etc). You can remove the / symbol, but otherwise, she is perfect in #37 3) Then make the girl with the black hair and dark skin and pink dress have a LITTLE lighter skin. More like an Indian, so still dark skin, just a little lighter. Then we are ready to finalize.

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  • February 11, 2011 2:34 PM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    #36 is just about done! Could you make the guy on the far right have a slightly bigger head? His head seems small compared to the others. Could you make the girl with the pink dress look Indian (slightly lighter brown skin)? Thanks. -David

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  • February 11, 2011 11:16 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    #33 is awesome! Can you make a few changes: 1) make the tagline black text or much darker grey. (where learning meets fun). 2) can you make the girl with the red dress blond? 3) can you make the guy on the far right have a slightly bigger head or replace him with the guy you have on the far right of ePodClub logo? 4) remove the apple logo from their mobile devices. Just keep them as is without the apple logo. The apple could be a black circle or you could make them blank white. Thanks!

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  • February 11, 2011 8:09 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    #32 is really close! Could you move the girl to stand on top of the letters. And not floating between two or in the "P". Also, could you move all the kids to the top of the letters like is in epodclub logo: Also, could you try adding a brown girl to the logo so there are four kids in the logo? Much like: logo. Also, could you try a version of it with the font from the epodclub logo? Thanks a lot. I will increase the prize amount if one of the logos wins.

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  • February 10, 2011 11:45 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    After looking at the designs, lets do something WITHOUT the shield. Something very close to our logo here: Except with a different font and obviously eSpark instead of epod club. Thanks a lot!

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  • February 10, 2011 11:41 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    I love #28. A few things: 1) could we make the girl look younger. From a distance, she looks like a teacher. Maybe we should have a girl like the girl in the pink dress with a subtraction sign on her from this logo: 2) Also, I think the students should be spread apart and maybe add a third student? I like that the students are spread apart because in #29 they look like they migh be holding hands/dating! Certainly want to avoid that connotation. Thanks!

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  • February 09, 2011 1:01 PM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    7stars, could you try adding one more kids to logo #22, How about a boy and a girl and a different boy? Thanks!

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  • February 09, 2011 12:43 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Contest has been extended for 3 more days. Liz

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  • February 09, 2011 9:20 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    Hi Designers. I still don't see the final design here. Something about the shield seems like its not professional or polished enough. The best logos now are the shield and font of #27. If the shield in #27 could have the background light blue of #24 that would improve it. Also, the four squares inside the shield should look like iPhone apps with rounded corners. Also, I am realizing that the strict guidance for a shield and text may have been too restricting. Feel free to come up with totally different logo concepts as when I see the final logos for the shield and text I don't see the winning design. Thanks a lot for the great work thus far

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  • February 07, 2011 12:38 PM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    Great changes in #12. Could you make the tagline "where learning meets fun" in a different font and under the whole word eSpark like in #11. Also, would you mind trying a few similar fonts for eSpark. Thanks!

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  • February 07, 2011 10:15 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    Sorry, in my last comment, I meant to say all the colors seem to match in #11, not 10. The colors in #10 do not go well together - the trophy and the circle/community stand out too much. I like how the shield in #10 looks like glass.

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  • February 07, 2011 10:13 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    Thanks for the great work. I like #11 and #10. What I like in #10 is that all the colors seems to match and work well together. I'd like to see a shield and replace the smiley face and cell phone with something to indicate rewards like a trophy or ribbon or even the symbol for music as we give songs as rewards. Instead of the cell phone, I'd like to use a symbol that communicate a learning community. Something like a circle of students? Also, I'd be open to a different color scheme if you think other colors would be nice. Also, in #10 I like how the tagline is below the whole word instead of off to the right. Thanks again for the great work thus far.

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  • February 06, 2011 2:32 PM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    Hi designers, I uploaded some new things to go into the shield instead of kids. Instead of kids, could we have four squares on the shield and in the four squares have 1.) a book like in #6 above. 2.) Math like in #6 above 3.) a simple picture of a trophy 4.) a picture to indicate community. I have uploaded two images I found for a trophy and community on this page: I don't love the trophy icon and the community icon is OK. They are uploaded to give you the gist of what I am thinking. Thanks a lot! -David

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  • February 06, 2011 8:57 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    Hi #5 and #6 these are getting close. Could you 1.) remove the student on the "R" 2.) Make the shield a little less pointy. It should have two rounded sides that end in a blunt point at the bottom 3.) Could you make the four squares inside the shield look like iPhone apps by rounding the corners of the squares. 4.) could you do something with the color of the shield - experiment with a few different color schemes/styles of the shield. 5.) remove the apple logo from their devices. I actually love that, but I think we'd infringe on their trademark if we used it. Thanks again for the great work thus far

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  • February 05, 2011 2:47 PM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    finaldesign: re #2 I like the use of the shield. Could you do something pretty close to what I created here: The only changes I'd like to see to the top logo on that page is: make the shield look better with more clear students and more clearly indicate the shield is modern/glass like an iPod Touch screen. I'd really like to see some logo designs that are very similar to that one. Thanks a lot for your talented work.

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  • February 05, 2011 8:07 AM
    dvinca dvinca
      Project Holder
    finaldesign: thanks for the great early draft. I like the bold colors and I like the font of espark. The gold sparks at the end are interesting, but I think we'll want a logo with a shield that also looks like a iPod, like in the logo concepts here: Thanks a lot!

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