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Ecommerce smoke shop Logo

Smoking Paradize

Contest Holder smokingparadize ?

Last Logged in : 4210days12hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: Ecommerce smoke shop Logo
Industry: Retailers Logo
Contest Launched: Nov 16, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 127 concepts
Winning Design by: pixelchamber
Close Date: Nov 24, 2011

Ecommerce smoke shop Logo - Retailers

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Ecommerce smoke shop Logo

Smoking Paradize


We are launching This is an ecommerce company. We will sell smoking accessories such as rolling papers, lighters, hookahs, herb grinders, glass and wooden pipe, ashtrays, waterpipe, bongs etc ...

Our targeted audience is young, from 18 to 30 years old.
Our customers are hookah fans, smokers who want to buy smoking accessories for cheap, herb smokers etc ...
Our audience love smoking and love fun.

The logo will appear in the upper left hand corner of our website page with black background, but also on facebook, on flyers and stickers.

This is the color chart of our website:

The logo need to be HIGHLY recognizable, FUN, and definitely provide brand recognition.

The logo should have capability to have .com or not.


Logo Type
Logo Type

Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



Coulours haven't been choosen, so you could be creative ! We are very open. It just need to suit with my color chart (black background). Why not a smoke effect ? it is just an idea don't focus on it. We really want you to be creative and original, and then we will give you specific direction. We will give you lots of feedbacks to guide you in a direction we like.

not sure

Thanks so much in advanced for spending time to work on our logo!
We are very excited to see what you all come up with.
We are truly appreciatiing of your artistic skills.
We have enjoyed looking at the other contests and when we found this site we knew someone would be able to design the perfect logo for us.

Thanks for your hard work and good luck !

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  • November 24, 2011 12:26 AM
    smokingparadize smokingparadize
      Project Holder
    We finally have a winner. I'm sorry for people who worked a lot for me and I didn't choose but I've made a vote with facebook and my customers and they choose ... The winner is draft #85 Thanks a lot and hope to see you soon for other logo design. I wish every one lot of success in your next contest on Microburst.

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  • November 21, 2011 4:20 AM
    smokingparadize smokingparadize
      Project Holder
    Thanks every body for submitting. Becareful of the height of the logo because the header of my website is thin. So maybe a one line logo is better ... I love this style: Is somebody could try something in that way ? #47 I love the angel and this hookah but it is to mystical and I think that the logo is too tall #49 I love it too but I've just see that is maybe too tall for my website. Could you try it on one line ? #36 I love the simplicity, the S and the smoking font but I don't like the cigarette. Maybe the green is to close of the green of my color chart. Why not in black and white as with an outline ? It miss a hookah logo like that contest: I love the hookah symbol of draft #110 #113 and #108 Maput, try to make the white wing visible as thye draft #27 my friend told me that the font is too close to my competitors: and Could you change it a little bit? The hookah is not beautiful could you try with this one: Try the logo in one line because I think it could be to tall. Thanks everybody for your hard work. Don't forget to not submit to tall logo (maybe one line logo is better) and add a .com

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  • November 17, 2011 12:50 AM
    smokingparadize smokingparadize
      Project Holder
    I need a logo not children fashion, my audience is young but adult. Just few more ideas: - if you use a hookah in the logo with no mascot just a hookah, I love the suggested hookah on this project: - a sexy woman angel who is smoking hookah (maybe too sexist ?) - a damaged font with an halo who is breaking a cloud ... - i would like to show a little bit the dark side of the website why not with a damaged font - I love this logo : Thanks every body for submission and hard working If you have any question send me a message

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  • November 16, 2011 7:55 AM
    smokingparadize smokingparadize
      Project Holder
    #1 #2 I'm looking for something more creative not too simple. Why not a smoke circle for the o of smoking it's just an idea ... My friend said me that the webdesign is not fun and too simple for a smoke shop so I'm looking for a logo very creative. Thank you so much for your drafts and your work.

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