Doron Yoga, A cutting edge wellness brand logo design

Doron Yoga

Contest Holder dhanoch ?

Last Logged in : 4708days17hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Doron Yoga, A cutting edge wellne ...
Industry: Health Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 29, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 105 concepts
Winning Design by: ScottPerry
Close Date: Apr 06, 2012

Doron Yoga, A cutting edge wellness brand logo design  - Health

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Doron Yoga, A cutting edge wellness brand logo design

Doron Yoga

The practical way to bliss


Doron Yoga is a person and a brand (maybe later a company) that provides practical tools to bliss. From Yoga (body), mind and meditation, Ayurveda and nutrition, to bring joy and remove suffering in a way that fits todays modern world. Non dogmatic, friendly yet very professional. Very unique and in depth, sharp.



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Grey and red or orange. it could also be black and a crimson shade, or orange. I am actually fine with more colors, such as the zen circle shifting shades of red orange and yellow with the center figure in black... or the reverse and have the type in color too? White?

not sure

A design that is easily recognizable.
A Zen circle with a woman doing warrior 2 in the center. ( would prefer it be a silhouette of a female. I do have an image of myself in warrior II if needed.

Any creative interpretation of the idea I suggested are welcome. A Zen feel.
Font: I used papyrus so far, but of course am happy for something new.

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  • April 02, 2012 10:32 PM
    dhanoch dhanoch
      Project Holder
    After checking around, it seems the majority like design #7 with the colors and cleanliness of #9 The warrior in #7 needs to be more delicate. Thanks again for all the designs!

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  • April 02, 2012 10:49 AM
    dhanoch dhanoch
      Project Holder
    Draft #10, the warrior looks like a martial arts rather than yoga. The yoga one has hands pointed forward, and maybe something softer. Also with the colors, maybe something a bit less straight forward, with shades, or just the circle having it in a different form or color? Thank You!

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  • April 02, 2012 10:46 AM
    dhanoch dhanoch
      Project Holder
    Thank You for your submissions. #9, I love the colors, the fading, the elegance, and I think I like the font. I love the bottom variation as well. Great Job! Hmm, just debating about the concept or the meaning...will send private message. #6, I love how clean and simple it is. Looks like a lotus flower on its side. I also love the font (I used to be a photographer). Maybe softer orange? Great design, I just wonder if it's not too high tech - could it be a bit more earthy? not much... #7 love the interpretation on the Zen circle. The warrior does not feel very "clean". I realize I love the orange more than the harsh red and black. I love the added grey and white tones. I like the simplicity, but really appreciate those that took the time to create something that feels more unique. Sorry that I was not clearer from the start, but grateful for all your artistic help!

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