Campi & Company logo

Campi & Company

Contest Holder ecampi ?

Last Logged in : 3744days13hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: Campi & Company logo
Industry: Consulting Logo
Contest Launched: Sep 12, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 134 concepts
Winning Design by: nakedart
Close Date: Oct 01, 2011

Campi & Company logo - Consulting

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Campi & Company logo

Campi & Company

Be Heard.


We are a full-service strategic consulting firm that assists Fortune 500 companies with high-stakes communications, public affairs and crisis management.

Campi & Company was founded by Esther Campi, a trusted adviser to America's top leaders -- from CEOs to U.S. senators.

We provide C-suite executives with advice and counsel for any kind of communications where the stakes are high: with regulators, boards of directors, major investors and media; public affairs campaigns such as trying to pass legislation; and crisis management.


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



Web 2.0
Web 2.0

Industry Oriented

I'm open, as long as the design is ultra-professional, modern, fresh, crisp and clean.

not sure

We’re open to a design that uses our full name “Campi & Company” – and/or incorporates symbols, abstract elements, illustrations or our company initials. We love the abstract symbols of the Nike "swoosh" and the Yahoo asterisk, and would be open to creative ideas for symbols that represent the communications industry. We are also open to logos that incorporate the "Be Heard" tagline, as well as ones that do not.

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  • September 29, 2011 3:26 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers: Contest has been opened for final revisions only.

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  • September 22, 2011 7:19 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #108 and #109 Thanks so very much for your revised submissions in line with our feedback. I really like your work. One minor suggestion. Could you offer an alternate for #108 and #109 where the "&" in the "campi & company" is in the same color as the tag line. Thanks so much for your amazing submissions.

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  • September 22, 2011 7:11 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #106 Could you consider one additional request along with the suggestions I outlined in the previous posting. I really really like the font of the tagline used in #108 and #109. Could you please keep the tagline right justified (below the company name) with a straight line leading up to it (as you currently do) but use the font of #108 and #109 for the tagline. Please dont make any changes to the font you currently use for the company name. Thanks so very much!

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  • September 22, 2011 7:04 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #106 Thanks for reworking your previous submission. I like this. I would urge you to consider the following modifications (1) I'd like the thumb to be pointed like the other four fingers in #98. This was the hand looks more abstract. (2) I like the space between the globe and the hand in #98. Could you incorporate that into #106 (3) In #98 the globe had a shinny surface/glaze to it. I like that finish. Could you modify to include this. (4) could you retain the blue boomerang but move the company name and tag line to the right of the image as you have done in #107. I like that layout a lot. Once you make these edits I would appreciate it a lot if you could show us what each logo would look like against a white background, black background, and with the logo in just black and white Thanks for all the GREAT work!!! Eagerly looking forward to your revised submissions.

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  • September 21, 2011 3:42 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #98 is really on to something. We would be interested in seeing this design tweaked slightly in the following ways: - Right justify the "Be Heard." tagline, adding a period after "Heard" and using a thin ruled line at left to lead up to the words at right -- use the same red font for the tagline as was used in design #35 -- make the thumb on the globe a little less obviously a thumb - maybe by making the end of the thumb sharper and more pointed like the other fingers ... I like the idea of subtly giving the viewer the idea this is a hand without making it totally obvious. -- experimenting with different colors for the globe ... as well as black and white -- experimenting with the shape of the "boomerang" that is to the left of the globe ... I think this is supposed to conjure up the idea of speed or movement, but open to different interpretations of this

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  • September 17, 2011 7:18 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    All Designers: Having seen all of your truly awesome designs, here are some common themes we like. The winning design will be the one that best incorporates the best of the best of the following features: - we like the colors red, black and white (and possibly gray) -- see #78, #77 and #35 - we like the ultra-professional look created by the 3D, shiny metallic finish and "sparkly" sheen -- see #78, #77, #39, #35 - we like drop shadows for texture - we like the smooth shape and clean lines of the symbol in #59 - also like the shape of the 3 Cs in #39 - we like the symbols to the left of the comapny name instead of on top ... just to help shrink the size of the whole logo - we don't want the symbol to be so large that it overpowers the words -- #73 is a good example of a good size ratio between the symbol and the words - we like a ruled line leading up to the tagline, with the tagline right justified and a period after "Be Heard." - we like the tagline to be of a different font than the company name -- see #35 - the fonts we like the most are in #35, especially its tagline of a different font -- we also really like the submissions that show us what each logo would look like against a white background, black background, and with the logo in just black and white Thanks for all the GREAT work!!!

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  • September 17, 2011 6:48 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #77 and #78 Love the way you tweaked your previous designs to include a bold red! All Designers: The more red I see in your designs, the more I think I like that color.

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  • September 16, 2011 3:07 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #39 We all like the interwoven Cs in your design and the use of color. Any way to make this a bit more corporate? The fonts feel a bit delicate.

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  • September 16, 2011 3:05 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #59 Very cool "ball" with 3D feel and sparkly look. Can you play with the font to make it more ultra-corporate?

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  • September 16, 2011 3:04 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #41 Very crisp design. Nice use of the three bars to symbolize being heard. Polished. Crisp.

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  • September 16, 2011 3:03 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    All Designers: We continue to be impressed with the quality of your work. Wow. It will be hard to pick a winner. In the end, we're looking for the most ultra-professional, polished look. It must feel like a Fortune 500 brand. Love the use of spot color like red, drop shadows and reflections that give the logos a 3D, highly polished quality.

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  • September 16, 2011 3:02 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #63 Very clever use of the dialogue bubble to indicate communications, but formed by the two Cs in Campi & Company. I'd be eager to see more designs that capture the two Cs in some symbol that expresses that this firm is about communications.

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  • September 16, 2011 3:00 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #35 I really like the ultra-professional, crisp look of your design -- and the use of red. I'd love to see other designs that incorporate some color that is eye-popping but ultra-professional like this one.

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  • September 15, 2011 10:43 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #38 I really like the clever way of incorporating the C's and a talk-cloud. However, given my audience namely CEO's, I wonder if it risks triggering notion of cartoons and then take the firm less seriously. But I must say it was great to see the clever design. very cool. Thanks. ALL DESIGNERS: I would love to see more illustrations where the idea that we are a communications firm is signalled through the creative use of symbols/illustrations. Not sure if it helps you with your design, but we deal with all forms of executive communication be it -- TV, newspapers, boardroom, social, etc. Attention grabbing "communications" oriented logos would be wonderful. I am also leaning towards a white/light background. Thanks everyone. #39 Very cool. I like this look and feel. 3D glazed, shadow, multiple colored, multiple fonts, etc. Could you explore more illustrations with similar features. They need not have to include the C's but need be geared towards executive communications of all forms. I think I may prefer the tag line without the line against it. Could you try different fonts for the tag line. I really like the one used in #35. Thanks. #41 Very Nice! I love the illustration. 3D metallic. More options along these lines would be wonderful. Prefer the tag line without the side lines. As you explore new illustrations, could you try something which is a combination of red and blue. Thanks.

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  • September 14, 2011 2:30 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #17 Very sophiscated, I like it. Any ideas for how you would use this same design on a white background for instances where we could not use reverse type? And any suggestions for how to incorporate the tagline?

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  • September 14, 2011 2:24 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    All Designers: Wow, can't believe the talent that exists out there. You guys are inspiring me! Keep the great ideas coming.

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  • September 14, 2011 8:34 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #17 & #19 I like it a lot especially the 3D shell like form of #19. Could you generate some more options along similar lines that are not set against a dark background and incorporates the tag line. The tagline can be of different font and color. Thanks #23 I like your submission. Could you explore a form with a mix of colors and fonts. It would be wonderful if you could explore some 3D look and feel options as well. Thanks. #28 Nice job. The company name and tag line seem to be crowded out by the logo which I like. Maybe you could explore ways to remedy this. It would be nice to have the tag line in another font and/or color. #30 #31 I like the shadow cast by the logo. Could you explore a mix of colors and fonts. #34 I like it a lot. Could you offer alternatives along similar lines which include multiple colors and incorporate the tag line. #35 I really like the use of different fonts and colors for the name and tagline. I like the shadow. Could you experiment with other symbols/illustrations? ALL DESIGNERS: Thank you so much for your submissions. Given the submissions so far, I am drawn to submissions that have a 3D look and feel (#19,28,34,35); shadow (#31,35); the name and tagline in different colors and fonts (#35) and prefer a more creative illustrations (#19, 17) with clever utilization of the C's. If the "&" is non-needed for the purposes of the creative that is perfectly OK. Key is to signal that we are a communications firm. If this can be done better without finding a way to use the 2C's I am very open to that as well. Thanks again. You are all amazing!

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  • September 13, 2011 5:01 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #18 I like the 3D rendition. I'd appreciate it if you could consider going more bold with the 3d'ish design. Maybe a hybrid of your rendering with elements of #12 #11 and #7. Thanks everyone for your efforts so far! I am so excited to see these wonderful submissions

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  • September 13, 2011 3:44 PM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #11 It should read "company" instead of "campany". Could you consider something along the lines of your Moore Apps logo. #7 I like the clean look and feel. Would love to see something along the lines of your Clarity Capital and KM Images logo work # Applies to all designers: I would love to see submissions which have a 3D glazed look that is clean, crisp and attention grabbing

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  • September 13, 2011 11:21 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #8 I like choice of font and spacing out the two words with a different color "&". With the illustration, I like the use of the two C's but I prefer something that isnt too suggestive..I hope you understand. #4 Just like #8 I like your look but prefer an illustration that is less suggestive and not give people the wrong idea..

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  • September 13, 2011 11:17 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #7 Nice! I like where you are going. Something that takes borrows the look and feel elements of the work you did for KM Images and Claity Capital would be wonderful

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  • September 13, 2011 10:15 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #6 If you were using the two C's to create a ear like - i.e. be heard symbol, I like where you are going with this. I like the clever symbol. I like the font and color palete of # 1 and the clean and crisp finish of #4. I like to see more concepts with symbols/illustrations but would like for these to not overwhelm the "Campi and Company" lettering. I eagerly look forward to your wonderful submissions

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  • September 13, 2011 9:23 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #3 That's cool how you incorporated the giant Cs into the name. Could you try some other fonts that might be even more cutting-edge and modern, and any ideas for how to incorporate the tagline -- Be Heard. -- ?

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  • September 13, 2011 9:19 AM
    ecampi ecampi
      Project Holder
    #1 I like the stylized "C" in your design and inclusion of the tagline, but would like the tagline completely right-justified and just a period at end, as in "Be Heard." #2 I like the clean, sophisticated lines and colors you chose(though for my firm we'd have to stick with the traditional spelling of "Company" with a "y" even though it's clever of you to play off the "i" in "Campi." All Designers: Is there a symbol you could incoroporate that would symbolize communications?

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