Business Logo, Most Automotive Engineering

Most Automotive Engineering

Contest Holder Mostolino ?

Last Logged in : 141days1hr ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Business Logo, Most Automotive En ...
Industry: Automotive Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 25, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 75 concepts
Winning Design by: mazyo2x
Close Date: Sep 08, 2011

Business Logo, Most Automotive Engineering - Automotive

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Business Logo, Most Automotive Engineering

Most Automotive Engineering


Hello, my name is Oliver Most.
We have a Automotive Repair Shop for all type of cars and repairs but mostly specialized in Electrical and Paintless Dent Repair also Parts Selling. Since our logo is old fashioned we want to change something now and were heading for a new one that should fit us for the rest of life. The new logo must make clear that we have to do something with cars but should not look like Disney Land. Since my Surname (MOST) is very universal to use, we thought about Most Automotive Engineering. The new design will be used for all kind of commercial stuff that is possible.
I thank you very much in advance for your ideas and work!
Best Regards
Oliver Most


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



High Tech

not sure

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  • September 07, 2011 6:21 AM
    donno donno
    This exploits vulnerabe third world designers.. Design is an can't turn it into a competition..... Sickening

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  • September 06, 2011 2:55 PM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    First i want to thank all Competitors and Designers for their work. I appreciate it very much. You ALL did a great job whether it was good or not. I can also understand the posted comments, but i must say that only the best survive. That is why it is called Contest! I also learned that there are some Designers who need the Pricing Money very much, but there been also a few of them who don't want to work for it and been writing private lumber mails. That was not good and without respect because everyone of us has to work hard for his money. I announce that you were all colleagues and should respect everyone's work, whether he is starter or professional. I was glad that i got that thing i wanted to have for me and will also tell friends and business-partners about this great site. In hope that someone of you will earn some extra money. All the best and my respect!

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  • September 06, 2011 10:17 AM
    donno donno
    I have lost faith in this process.... I think it is an abuse of designers and the art of design process... we are becoming whores...

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  • September 06, 2011 9:56 AM
    donno donno
    Hey I hope you going to give the designer that $29... these guys you abusing on here can use the bucks

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  • September 05, 2011 6:39 PM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    #50 and #51 looks like a menue card of a restaurant, sorry. Anggahedrawan, these concepts were not what we want. It should be clear at the first sight what we do! Please read my Project Information and the posted Comments below. I extended three days again... Thanks!

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  • September 05, 2011 6:08 PM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    I will post a correction because of the copyright issues or Image Policy that worried me and also because i don't want any good Designers to become angry with me nor to make them any Problems. Also to give some information to those who started this trouble. You can also read yourself the Image Policy online to be informed by yourself: -You own all rights to the image, usually meaning that you created it entirely yourself. -The author of the picture is the one who made it if he did not sell the rights to one other. A copyright is a form of intellectual property meant to protect the creator of an original creative work against unwanted reproductions of his work. When a person creates a new original work, he or she has already technically secured the copyright for that work, simply by creating it. The problem is that copyrights that are not officially registered are difficult to defend legally if someone tries to steal the idea or copy it, so many copyright holders register them to further protect their ideas In this case it is not illegal when a designer shares his work and changes it in any way for the customer like me! So i please marzio2x to post his great logo Designs again and do not punish him he is your colleague. I am sorry to say that he was the only one who did active a great job from the beginning of the contest and tried to satisfy the customer needs. Thanks to all of you!

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  • September 05, 2011 2:33 PM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    Dear Designers! First i will thank you all for your work i really appreciate, but on the other side i cannot understand why you started posting your ideas in the last minutes of the contest and were also sending emails in the last minutes before final although i extended the contest for the second time?! I'd like to work with you and to bring in my ideas but there is no way to do so in a few minutes. Now there are three days again and i will tell you again what i want in hope to get something unique. My logo must show a new customer with the first sight that we we fix cars and were specialized in Electronic and Paintless Dent Repair. I must really say that marzio2x did a great job, but the problem is the copyright. So again i please you to post your great ideas and ask me for feedback accurately timed if you need so.

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  • September 01, 2011 2:32 PM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    First i want to thank you all in advance for the ideas. It seems that mazyo2x will be the winner soon since no one other posted his idea or tried to do something professional like him, too?! There are some days left, so you can still try to bet him!

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  • August 28, 2011 2:55 PM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    Thank you for your ideas, Great! So far the concepts of mazyo2x were going my way at the moment. Maybe you can work out #4, #6, #8 with a different Font and also show it when it will be as a stamp (black/white)? If someone has also another idea, feel free to post it. Thanks in advance very much!

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  • August 28, 2011 9:03 AM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    Again i want to make it more understandable: I need a new Automotive Businesslogo with my Surname MOST in conjunction with Automotive Engineering. We work on car electronic, do Paintless Dent Repair and develop and sell Workshop and Diagnostic Systems. So you can feel free to show me your great ideas. It should not be overloaded but combine somehow the above listed facts. Momentarily i have red and deepblue in my old logo but i am open for any other colors. The logo should fit my new website, business cards, letters, decals, Workwear, Trucks and Cars which will be my next step here. Maybe you can design it on a white and black background, too? I'd like to see something unique in conjunction with my Surname "Most". I appreciate your work and the developed logos i have seen and would be glad to select a winner soon?! Thanks in advance!

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  • August 27, 2011 10:03 AM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    #3 - The Font is not bad, but i am missing something that goes for a workshop and not a industrial look. #2+1 - Sorry but it looks like a Bentley button Anyway i appreciate your work!

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  • August 26, 2011 2:47 PM
    Mostolino Mostolino
      Project Holder
    Hello Designers, It would be nice if you can work out my logo with a Silhouette of a Car that is common in Paintless Dent Repair maybe in Combination with a Oscilloscope Waveform. So we have PDR and Electronical together. It would also be very nice if i can see it on a white or black background. Thank you very much in advance! -Oliver Most

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