Business logo for smoothie drink shop

Smooth Dude's

Contest Holder supergabe ?

Last Logged in : 5064days14hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Business logo for smoothie drink ...
Industry: Beverages Logo
Contest Launched: Apr 25, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 44 concepts
Winning Design by: artsie9324
Close Date: May 02, 2011

Business logo for smoothie drink shop - Beverages

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Business logo for smoothie drink shop

Smooth Dude's

Smoothies, Juice & Java


Smooth Dude's is a smoothie shop that sells mostly health oriented smoothies, juices and coffee. "Indulgent" smoothies/milkshakes are also on the menu.

Think of Starbucks meets Smoothie King.

The target audience is fitness oriented people and high school aged teenagers (the shop is very close to a high school).

Smooth Dude's provides a "hangout" atmosphere similar to coffee shops.


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Baby blue, bright red...splash of bright yellow Think Houston Oilers + a splash of yellow. It is a smoothie shop, colors need to be bright and they need to "pop-out"


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  • May 01, 2011 10:32 PM
    artsie9324 artsie9324
    Your a smooth dude! LOL!! THANKS SO MUCH!!

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  • May 01, 2011 10:25 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    #40 has taken the cake.

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  • May 01, 2011 9:52 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    Sorry...meant to say the frost off the guy in the middle (the juice guy). I want the guy on the left to still have the frost. After that...I think we just about got it!

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  • May 01, 2011 7:53 PM
    artsie9324 artsie9324
    super picky is how you should be!! It is your branding and it should be just like you want it!! I'll be back with revised logo.

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  • May 01, 2011 7:32 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    Artsie - #38 - Please discard the frost off of Mr. Orange. The coffee cup handle looks like an ear...I know I'm being super picky now, but I just would like to get it perfect and your are almost there. If there is anyway to show the sunburst background through the handle that would be great. Just for the sake of seeing it - Let's try to make Mr. Banana's eyebrows a little less arched, kinda like you had before. More of I'm a nice guy cool, instead of I'm too never thought I would get sooo into this stuff!!

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  • May 01, 2011 5:07 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    #34 & #35....nice try.

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  • May 01, 2011 4:12 PM
    artsie9324 artsie9324
    @ hatter and raindesign...Please come up with your own designs and not copy my concepts. GEEZ!

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  • May 01, 2011 2:41 PM
    artsie9324 artsie9324
    Got it! : ) artsie

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  • May 01, 2011 2:32 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    Final comments: 1. Smoothie , Juice & Java I like in white font with black trim like you recently did on the last designs...and if possible a little bigger or "plumpier" font. 2. Instead of the bean, dude, let's try: A. the smoothie guy on the left B. an orange juice/lemonade guy in the middle C. the coffe guy on the right Please have the two guys on the right face the smoothie guy on the left just like you did in #32 & #33. I think it will flow with the smoothie juice and java slogan...although I did love the bean guy, I think an orange or lemonade dude would work better. 3. Your design has prompted me to lose the possesive "dude's" and go with "dudes" without the please drop the apostrophe from the name. 4.I liked the sunburst inside the circle in design #30. Wanted to see the final version in both red and sunburst. 5. I like more beans scattered around like in designs #31 thru #33. 6. I like the angle and setting of the orange and lime slice in #32. 7. I like the white steam coming off the coffee dude. 8. Regarding the "Smooth Dudes" - Just wanted to see what it would look like with just the first letter being in caps ...if possible.

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  • May 01, 2011 10:09 AM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    The designs that have not been eliminated all contain the final features that I have been looking for. Compact, happy,colorful, fun, "cool". It's like you know exactly what you are getting, before you even walk into the store. I thought I was a decent and creative artist but you guys take it to another level. I can't believe how talented everyone guys are amazing...especially artsie.

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  • May 01, 2011 12:22 AM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    #26 & #25 - Try with the cups inside the circle instead of the orange...and the orange outside somehow....something along the lines of #9.

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  • April 29, 2011 3:04 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    #20 has almost got it down perfect. Very good use of color. Very fun. Only thing I think it may need is some sort of cup...maybe a smoothie cup and a coffee cup...looking cool and smooth of distinguish it from being a fruit market of some sort.

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  • April 29, 2011 2:31 PM
    artsie9324 artsie9324
    Well thanks! I think he looks pretty "smooth" lol. If you need any alterations, let me know.

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  • April 29, 2011 2:09 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    #19 is pretty darn good.

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  • April 28, 2011 6:06 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    #18 has got the right idea. Would like to see it with some sort of bubble font. I like the sophisticated look in #17, #16 & #15.

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  • April 28, 2011 2:39 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    I like the thought of having an actual figure or person as the "Smooth Dude" person or drink with a face...maybe wearing sunglasses or something like that in the logo.

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  • April 28, 2011 2:36 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    #13 & #12 - I like the boldness, but iI don't think it has enough character. #6, #5, #4 has the right Idea. I'd like to see what Smooth Dude's would like like with a fat - bubbly font. I think that Either Blue & Red or Blue & Yellow should be the color of the words "Smooth Dude's" I really like #3 & #9's color scheme. I don't know why #2 withdrew, I really liked the circular design he had. The only thing I see missing from everyone is the lack of some sort of coffee representation. I see #5 has a frozen coffee drink I think. I would like to have coffee represented in the logo even only if minimal.

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  • April 27, 2011 9:24 PM
    supergabe supergabe
      Project Holder
    Draft #3 has a good color scheme. Playful and cool. I like the idea of having a circular logo...possibly the name going across and smoothie juice & java around the circle...or between a circle and a smaller circle similar to starbucks' logo. Draft #2 has a good idea with the fruit and coffee concept. Smoothie Juice & java font is too small and not very visible.

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