Baby Bear Hugs logo
Baby Bear Hugs
Contest Holder
Last Logged in : 4345days8hrs ago |
Concepts Submitted
211 |
Prize Money
Winner(s) | A Logo, Monogram, or Icon |
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Live Project


Project Finalized

Creative Brief
Baby Bear Hugs logo
Baby Bear Hugs
Empowering Families
Baby Bear Hugs changes the lives of families and children by providing parenting education and support through home visits and classes. As the old cliché goes: ‘Babies aren’t born with instructions’ and even if they were, the instructions may not meet the individual circumstances of the parents or the children. The program is available to all “soon to be” parents and parents of infants and toddlers. Baby Bear Hugs tailors the visits to the interests and needs of the families to reach their parenting goals. Visits are delivered in the homes of families through paraprofessional visitors, nurses and volunteers. A family might have one or two visits or visits weekly or monthly for up to 3 years. Baby Bear Hugs is a nonprofit organization and services are free for families in 8 counties in Eastern Colorado. Recently Baby Bear Hugs implemented a Healthy Living program to help parents learn about good nutrition and increased exercise. By providing a friendly visitor families can access resources, and learn about their new bundle of joy. Parents most frequently say that they loved the support provided through the visitor, it is the relationship that they value.
Empowering Families was the credo approved by the Board. It was recommended to the Board by the PR committee because empowering means to equip or supply with ability. The staff and community also liked: Building the foundation for (tomorrow’s or today’s) families.
Logo Type
Abstract Mark
Web 2.0
We are open to various color combinations but specify no pastel colors. The committee liked dark blue, brown, rasberry, teal.
not sure
The organization has been around for 15 years and we have "grown up" therefore need a logo with the bear not wearing a diaper (for example). A teddy bear is given to the family when they enroll in the program. We wouldn't mind the bear being in the logo somewhere. Our focus is on the relationship with the family.
Project Holder
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Project Holder