AVC Distributor Banner Ad

AVC Distributor, LLC

Contest Holder mweigl ?

Last Logged in : 4912days4hrs ago

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Static/Animated Display Ads veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: AVC Distributor Banner Ad
Industry: Audio Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 29, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 14 concepts
Winning Design by: raindesign
Close Date: Sep 12, 2011

AVC Distributor Banner Ad - Audio

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

AVC Distributor Banner Ad

AVC Distributor, LLC

Audio/Video Accessories Video Games & Accessories Computer Accessories Mobile Device Accessories.




Our website sells Consumer Electronics, especially Accessories, so we'd like something to appear on these banners that is similar to the section of our website on the top right where it has the AVC part listing our product categories. We'd like it to actually be modified slightly to appear as below: Audio/Video Accessories Video Games & Accessories Computer Accessories Mobile Device Accessories

We will need 3 banners total designed and the sizes will be: 160 x 600 728 x 90 300 x 250 We will need one banner of each of the above sizes. We definitely want a static, non-flash banner so that it can work on devices such as the iPhone and iPad. The banner must either be a .jpg or .gif and be a size of 40KB or less. We came up with some ideas for these banners. For example we would like our company logo on it which can be seen at the top of our website at www.avcdistributor.com. We would also like it to use similar colors such as the blue color on the background or other shades of blue, white, and the gold color. We are also open to it using additional colors but believe it should at least use some of these colors that are used in our logo. Obviously we'll want our company name on it and of course the logo has the name in it so we can just have it as part of the logo or in addition to the logo. I will use your judgement on that. The entire banner should most likely be all clickable to take the person to our website at www.avcdistributor.com. Once again I'll use your judgement on that. Also, we have some product areas that we specialize in. If possible we'd like these areas that we specialize in somehow shown on the banner if possible. These product areas include products that are in the 4 above categories but these are some of the areas of those 4 categories that we specialize in: Ergonomic Products Educational Products Youth Electronics Assistive-Special Needs Tech Retro Gaming Eco-Green Tech We may also like some marketing items on it such as: Great Prices Excellent Customer Service Fast Shipping The above information I am giving is simply to give you a general idea of what we're looking for. We may not be able to have everything that's listed above on our banner or on all the banners. We don't need each banner to exactly duplicate the content of each other. We can have some different information on each banner. I understand you have experience on designing banners so I wanted to throw out some ideas and also cover everything we can think of. We don't want them to be cluttered so I would definitely use your advice for what should or should not be on the banner. Also, I'm sure you have a lot of ideas of design and also what should be on a banner and what is needed to grab the visitor's attention and have them click on the banner. We are open to any type of additional graphics, etc. that you feel should be on these banners to tempt the user to click and visit. We definitely want the banners to have a modern/sleek look but not to the extreme. Our logo should give you an idea of the type of look that we like and as I said we are fine with any additional graphics on these banners.


Please look at our logo for reference




Standard Package (300x250, 728x90, 160x600)



  • September 07, 2011 3:06 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Contest has been extended for 3 more days.

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  • September 03, 2011 7:06 AM
    smartinfo smartinfo
    @PH - please check your private messages on top right once you login for further discussions.Thanks

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  • September 02, 2011 2:59 AM
    mweigl mweigl
      Project Holder
    I noticed that many designs being submitted to us have either product images or logos. This is the first time we've ever had a banner designed so I don't know if this presents a copyright issue. My original thought was to leave these images out and either add some of the text such as product categories in place of it or either do some other type of graphical design but honestly I like the look of these product images so don't want to leave them out. I have contacted our attorney just this evening to get feedback on this and ask about any legal issues in the US or elsewhere with doing this so I will post back once I get his response. If it does create any type of issue we may see if we can be more general with any product images such as showing a smartphone or tablet but don't make it clear what brand it is but again I am happy with the images that have been used in most cases so only want to make changes if necessary and I will be posting once I find out more information on that.

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  • September 02, 2011 2:57 AM
    mweigl mweigl
      Project Holder
    Many of the drafts we are receiving mention the areas we specialize in such as Retro Gaming but don't mention our product categories. Our product categories are: Audio/Video Accessories (can be abbreviated A/V) Video Games & Accessories Computer Accessories Mobile Device Accessories If possible we'd like these added to our banners. This may even be more important than the specialties but we really don't want to leave those out either. I don't want the banner to be too cluttered. I have an idea that may save on space when adding these categories and also allows for some creativity. In general we sell accessories for mobile phones, video gaming, computers, and audio/video products and not the actual products such as laptops, smartphones, game consoles, etc. The only thing that we do sell though is we do sell actual video games. I am wondering since the word accessories is used so much if somehow that can be placed on the banner and then the words A/V, Video Game, Computer, and Mobile Device could somehow be worked into that but that accessories is only used once. Since we also sell video games though I'd want that somehow added. Thank you for all the great drafts that are coming in and I appreciate everyone's time and work.

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