AESIR Foundation: integrated logo

"AESIR" or "AESIR Foundation" could be used (or not)

Contest Holder smilroy69 ?

Last Logged in : 2979days23hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: AESIR Foundation: integrated logo
Industry: Environment Logo
Contest Launched: Feb 22, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 118 concepts
Winning Design by: 360ds
Close Date: Mar 15, 2012

AESIR Foundation: integrated logo - Environment

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

AESIR Foundation: integrated logo

"AESIR" or "AESIR Foundation" could be used (or not)


AESIR (Aquatic Ecosystems Science and Integrative Research) Foundation is a non-profit, start-up corporation whose mission is to perform cutting-edge scientific research within the coastal and marine ecosystems of the northern Gulf of Mexico.



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



Industry Oriented

Number of Colors: No preference. I lean towards the more simple 2-color designs. There is something to be said for keeping logo colors from getting too busy; a clever designer can use tonal shading of 2 colors to represent a great amount of detail and visual interest. However, if you find 2 colors limiting, by all means feel free to expand to 3 or 4 colors – I don’t wish to inhibit any great ideas. Types of Colors: As a general rule, I’m looking for very rich, warm colors. “Fall” colors that are earthy without being stereotypical of a corporation with an environmental thrust. I’m thinking deep ambers, blood reds, olive to dark mossy greens, earthen browns. Don’t be afraid of black or deep shadows. If you can pull off a dark-ages, ancient, or tribal/runic look, I’d be extremely pleased.

not sure

In summary, I’m looking for a look so vintage, it’s more old world/ancient/medieval in feel. Because of the name AESIR, the design elements should evoke a viking flavor – runic typeset(s) and simple (almost tribal) scandanavian-style designs for graphics and/or icons. Colors should be rich, deep, warm earthen colors and textures should be rough/wrinkled, torn edges, pitted surfaces – natural and old. However, the design should most certainly be evocative of AESIR’s purpose.

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  • March 08, 2012 9:45 AM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #68-#80: Yes - definitely on the right track. Not crazy about the runic typeface, but font is easy to change - I'm more interested in nailing down the design elements. Comments regarding some stand-outs: #69: The "odin's horn" motif you chose is cool, but the use of crescents (instead of the curved horns) makes the symbol look too similar to the internationally-recognized symbol for "biohazard"! Google "odin's horn" and you'll see what I mean about the crescent versions vs. the curved horn versions. In some of your earlier designs (#47-#48), the design on the ball looked like it was carved into the ball. If you could make the ball look less metallic and more like rough stone, with the design element carved into the stone (so it has a little 3D quality to it), I think it would look amazing. #72 & #74: I also like seeing the design element "off the ball" and kinda floating there - both versions are nice to see, so I can compare. If you can make the adjustments I indicate above, I'd like to see those adjustments represented in the three formats: 1) carved into the ball; 2) inside the floating ring; and 3) floating element by itself. All with "AESIR" of course.

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  • March 08, 2012 9:32 AM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #81-#83: Thanks for the different ideas, but I think these are headed in the wrong direction. #81 is the best of the three, but as I've mentioned before (in earlier comments), I'm just not craazy about those runic symbols you've chosen for the design element. #82 is too busy (no need for the tagline text) and the filigree flourish is too feminine for my taste. #83 is an interesting take, but the design element almost looks like a flower. Again, a bit too feminine.

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  • March 08, 2012 9:27 AM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #44-#46, #54, #57, #66: Getting there. You had sent a message indicating you were going to submit something different - I'm looking forward to seeing it. In my earlier comments on your designs, I indicated I'd like to see a more angular/tribal "odin's horn" motif. I like the different color combos you offer (for side-by-side comparisons); with regard to the COLORS, I like #45, #54, #66.

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  • March 08, 2012 9:20 AM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #49, #53: Nice color combos, and I especially like seeing the logo in all three formats - helps me decide on visual appeal when I can compare side-by-side. A couple things: 1) I'm still not liking the little symbols inside the circle - they have a runic feel, and I wish I could give you better feedback on what I *would* like to see, I just know that I'm not crazy about the runic symbols you did pick. 2) The valknut design element looks a little like mountain peaks, which would give the wrong impression of what AESIR really does (which is aquatic ecosystems research). I do like your flair and I think you're on the right track - if you have the time and intent to try something else, I'd like to see your take on the "odin's horn" design element instead of the valknut.

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  • March 08, 2012 9:13 AM
    cracuz09 cracuz09
    thanks for the feedback PH

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  • March 08, 2012 9:12 AM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #39-#43; #52; #56; #60-#61; #63: Definitely on the right track... I appreciate all the different variations on this theme, and the different typefaces. But there are two other designs of yours I especially like - #49 & #53.

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  • March 08, 2012 9:03 AM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #32-#38; #47-#48; #64-#65; #67: I appreciate all of the subtle differences between these designs, but the design element is still not quite what I'm looking for...

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  • March 07, 2012 12:45 PM
    wdmpk wdmpk
    Sir....... Please wait....... I ll do something better for you

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  • March 03, 2012 8:22 PM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #26; #30-31: Not really what I'm looking for; again, please review the design brief. Most of these designs are simply colored text or "Word Art" from MS Word/PowerPoint. The word "AESIR" is misspelled in draft #31. #27-29: I see some nice potential in these designs, particularly #29. Ideas to make it better: 1) text should only be "AESIR", centered below the graphic element (you might even put "Foundation" under AESIR); 2) Use warmer, earthy colors instead of the cliche spring green and aqua - deep red and black, or maybe olive/mossy green and rich earthen brown, or maybe deep red and rich amber; 3) use a more angular/tribal "odin's horn" motif for the design element.

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  • March 03, 2012 8:13 PM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #24-25; 32-38: Interesting. Not what I asked for in the brief, but I like these designs nonetheless. I especially like #24, #34, #37. A few ideas to bring the designs closer to what I want: 1) Only use "AESIR" as text - do not include "aquatic ecosystems science"; 2) use a more masculine, angular, gothic/runic typeface; 3) use viking/runic/tribal symbol on the sphere instead of the stylized "A" - I'd like to see your take on the mjolnir or odin's horn symbology on the sphere. Or, if you could put the runic equivalents of "AE, S, I, R" (Old Futhark Runes) on the sphere in some way, I'd be really interested to see what it would look like...

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  • March 03, 2012 8:03 PM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #19: Please read the design brief - this design has little (if any) of the features I'm looking for... #20-21: A nice design - certainly evocative of AESIR's purpose, but it is also very cliche and a bit cartoonish for me. I'm looking for something more professional. Please review my design brief. #22-23: A very nice design - much closer to what I'm looking for. You've done a nice job of trying to incorporate more of my ideas (from the brief) into the logo design. No need to use the tagline or "Foundation" - please simplify and just use "AESIR". The symbols, the typeface, and the overall design have too much of a "feminine" feel - I'm looking for something more angular; masculine and professional. If you could incorporate some classic viking symbol(s) in the logo design (mjolnir, valknut, odin's horn, etc), or perhaps the actual runes which represent "AE, S, I, R", I would love to see it.

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  • March 01, 2012 11:00 PM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #11-12: An interesting design - should keep and recycle it for another environmental company or chemical company. It's just too corporate for my tastes, nor does it communicate the true purpose of AESIR. #13-15: Where's the logo? This is just the text "AESIR" tinted in an unusual font, in three different colors. Not at all what I'm looking for... #16: A nice design, but too cliche - this could be the logo for ANY environmental or "green" company. Please review my brief - stereotypical "green" designs are exactly what I'm trying to avoid. #17-18: A nice design, but a little too predictable. The little swoosh in the cross-stroke of the "A" gives it a little style, but it's just not what I'm looking for. Please review my very explicit brief for design guidance.

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  • March 01, 2012 10:50 PM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    Thank you all for your submissions thus far. As a blanket statement, I would advise that you read my brief very carefully. Please review my specific comments below: #3: Too cliche and touchy-feely. Almost the exact opposite of what I indicated I wanted in my brief. #4: A nice design for some other environmental service company; just a little too corporate & sterile for my tastes. #5-6: I like the Odin's horn motif, but I'm looking for something more angular, more tribal, more masculine, and a bit more complicated/complex. #7: The valknut motif is a little bland, at least in this incarnation. Keeping in the viking/tribal symbology is exactly what I'm looking for, but this design just doesn't evoke much visual interest or communicate what AESIR is all about. #8: The mjolnir motif could be taken in so many more directions - this is just a little predictable and too "frilly". The symbology of Thor's hammer should be a much stronger presentation, not light, breezy, and filigreed... #9: An interesting take, but the tree motif is not consistent with AESIR's purpose as being an environmental research foundation for aquatic/marine research. Besides, the tree symbology is a bit too cliche. #10: Apologies, but this submission is merely colored text. I could do the same design with MS Word.

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  • February 23, 2012 9:31 PM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    * * * IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR ALL DESIGNERS * * * 1) The brief incorrectly indicates that the tagline should appear in the design - the tagline should NOT appear in the logo. You can use your discretion as to whether you include "Foundation" in the design text. 2) My apologies for the superfluous webpage and stationery design ideas included in my design brief - I didn't realize I would have a separate brief for my LOGO, STATIONERY, and WEBPAGE contests. I do include some YouTube links in the design brief which should serve as inspiration, but much of that was intended for the web design competition. Please read the brief carefully, but focus only on my requests specific to the logo design. 3) I will eventually have a stationery and complete web design contest, but I must first choose a winner for the logo design (to incorporate within the stationery and web designs). That's why the headline says "integrated logo" - what I meant to indicate is that the logo will be integrated into these follow-on contests.

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  • February 23, 2012 2:14 PM
    smilroy69 smilroy69
      Project Holder
    #1 Is a nice design, but not really evocative of what I'm looking for - please review the design brief very carefully. #2 Too much text - it's enough to just have "AESIR" appear. I'd rather the design elements convey the purpose of AESIR rather than the actual text of what AESIR stands for.

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