Advantage Drainage - Company Logo

Advantage Drainage

Contest Holder EFX04 ?

Last Logged in : 4620days23hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Advantage Drainage - Company Logo
Industry: Construction Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 10, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 107 concepts
Winning Design by: alocelja
Close Date: Mar 17, 2011

Advantage Drainage - Company Logo - Construction

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Advantage Drainage - Company Logo

Advantage Drainage


Advantage Drainage is a business located in the Dallas, Fort Worth Metroplex who installs drainage systems for residential and commercial properties. Advantage Drainage offers innovative design, imaginative solutions, ingenious methods for solving water drainage problems at homes, businesses, parks and land. We are in the process of redesigning and redeveloping the entire website so use this site only as a reference as to what the services and solutions the company offers -



Industry Oriented
High Tech

You may use 2-3 colors in the logo design... Any Shades of Blues, Greens, Whites, Greys, Tans, Blacks


Use your creativity based on the descriptions provided... This will set the tone for the new website design for the site and overall company branding.

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  • March 22, 2011 9:07 AM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Thank you for all of the wonderful logo design submissions! It was a very tough decision for the client but he finally did select a winner. There were so many great options. I really appreciate everyone's time with this and I will be submitted new design projects through this site in the near future... Thank you!

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  • March 17, 2011 12:07 PM
    nealbuto nealbuto
    Made the change to #69. The newer version is #71. Cheers.

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  • March 17, 2011 9:20 AM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Wow these latest submissions are great! Thank you! The Client is reviewing now.

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  • March 16, 2011 10:35 PM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Thank you everyone for such great designs! The client has just reviewed all the latest entries and he really likes #69. Great job with that layout! Can you increase the size of "ADVANTAGE" a little to make it stand out a little more and maybe make the font a little darker? I think that looks really nice! I know this was a very challenging project and everyone has submitted some really creative designs, there are so many good ones to choose from...

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  • March 16, 2011 10:19 AM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Thanks everyone for the new entries, these look very nice.. let me share with the client and get feedback... thanks!

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  • March 16, 2011 3:38 AM
    tomcost tomcost
    any feedback?

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  • March 15, 2011 10:32 PM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Ok the client just reviewed all the logos submitted so far and #30 is one of his favorite options... but he would like to see something other than the "gear" icon/element. He said it reminds him too much of plumbing... so if he could see a few variations that would be great. thanks everyone so far, really great entries!

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  • March 15, 2011 10:16 PM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    OK I shared all of these logos with the client so far and he would like to see a few options that have a little more masculine, tough, rugged, serious, more dark, less "happy" feel... He wants to eliminate the green color... stay with darker colors, dark blues, greys, blacks.... maybe implement some sort of rain element... sorry I am just getting this feedback... these are looking good, we are getting close, just need to alter the overall general feel of the logo a bit to a tougher, darker, more masculine feel... his favorite options so far are #31, #30 and #13... I am waiting for feedback on #45 from the client but I think that one looks really nice too. He said you could implement "pipes" versus "gear" looking elements...

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  • March 15, 2011 9:25 AM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    These are all looking great... I would love to see a design integrate more of water flowing versus the teardrop of water... I like the teardrop, but want to show the client two options - water movement/flowing integrated into the concept and the water drop concept... I think we are really close here... just would love to see a design that implements some water movement/flow with a simple clean graphical elements...

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  • March 15, 2011 9:22 AM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Thanks for the additional entries everyone.. these are looking great, definitely on the right track! Let me review in more detail.

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  • March 14, 2011 8:17 PM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    I like the colors in #19 utilized... but still not seeing what I am envisioning yet for the logo... want to keep the logo clean, simple, crisp... think of Advantage Drainage as a landscape contracting company... they are hired to fix people's water drainage issues, soggy lawns, excessive standing water... all exterior issues with a home or business... they are experts in their field, they are technologically advanced and do high quality work. Think of water movement, landscape, water draining away from structures, french drains, pumps, foundation drainage systems, etc... they provide the solutions to solve landscape/yard drainage issues to protect one's land, home, businesses... they create underground solutions to help drain the water out of areas where it is accumulating, they help redirect the water to areas that water should be going, away from the property owners home or buildings...

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  • March 14, 2011 1:10 PM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    I would like to see a logo concept that maybe has ADVANTAGE or Advantage on the left side - Icon in the middle - then DRAINAGE or Drainage to the right of the icon/symbol.... see image uploaded for reference for suggested placement...

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  • March 14, 2011 12:11 PM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Check out one of Advantage Drainage's biggest competitors who currently has a very informative site about what types of services these companies provide - - You can browse through their site to see what drainage problems these companies solve.

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  • March 14, 2011 9:18 AM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Think of Advantage Drainage as more of a "landscape" "construction" type company... they solve water problems in the landscape outside the homes and businesses so that people are able to use those spaces better and protect their investments, i.e. their home, businesses, building, equipment etc... they protect their investments and property from excess water which could damage their property or make the space hard to utilize effectively.

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  • March 14, 2011 8:53 AM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    #7 is more along the right track...Advantage Drainage works outside of the home in the land, they fix water issues outside the home or business, could be standing water on concrete that isn't draining off properly, could be standing water the flows into the home or business that is not draining away from the home or business properly... They install french drains in the yard or land area to help solve any areas where water accumulates and stands and does not dissolve back into the earth properly or flow away from the home or business properly causing sogging grass, excessive standing water, puddles of water on land or hard surfaces, etc. So think of land, water, homes, businesses, solutions, experts... Advantage Solutions solves exterior water drainage issues outside the home or business or park land...

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  • March 13, 2011 4:12 PM
    EFX04 EFX04
      Project Holder
    Thank you everyone for your design submissions so far. I would love to see the logo integrate elements of water, land, homes, etc. Advantage Drainage fixes homes and businesses who have water drainage issues. They dig trenches, install drains, French drains, pipes, etc to help solve peoples water issues... Ie excessive standing water, water that isn't flowing in the right directions. Etc. So I would love to see the logo include some graphical element or icons that help demonstrate those elements the company delivers and helps solve. I like blues that are shades of water or greens that are shades of grass for implementing into the icon or graphical elements... The solutions that Advantage Drainage creates the actual customer may not be able to visually see it because it is all dome underground and then covered up. But think of raging waters turned to calm waters and standing water turned to dry land. Check out their website to learn more about the services they provide. - we will e be redesigning the entire site with new look and feel and new updated colors based off the final logo selected. Thanks for your help. Let me know if you have any questions.

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