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5D Logo


Contest Holder 5Decimals ?

Last Logged in : 4953days16hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: 5D Logo
Contest Launched: Feb 20, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 187 concepts
Winning Design by: cdnmike
Close Date: Mar 02, 2011

5D Logo - Financial Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

5D Logo


Tagline is used to describe subsidiary, see notes


The core focus of the group is investments and asset management. These investments are made through several different companies (subsidiaries of the parent company) depending on the nature of the investment and the country in which it is made.

Sectors the company is active in includes property, stocks, bonds, venture capital, asset management etc.. The company have a truly international footprint with employees/contractors in over 20 countries.

Tagline – the tagline in the logo is used to describe the relevant subsidiary i.e. 5Decimals Property Division, 5Decimals Asset Management etc..

Financial Services

Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Web 2.0
Web 2.0

High Tech

I am open to any colour combination as long as the colours are strong and vibrant. Preferably also masculine colours.

not sure

Several different backgrounds are used in advertising/websites but the two main backgrounds will always be white and black. The logo thus needs to stand out against these two backgrounds.

The background of the logo should be transparent.

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  • February 28, 2011 1:00 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    To start off with, thanks to everybody for the effort they have gone to, to submit designs for this project. We have narrowed the selection down to the 12 which can currently be seen above. I will be in contact with each designer with some feedback on their selected design(s).

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  • February 24, 2011 9:50 PM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    Project date has been extended with 3 days. New designs will however only be taken up to Sunday 27 Feb. I will contact all those with 4 and 5 star ratings on Monday to finalise the designs i.e. make some changes where required. A final decision will then be made on the winner. And once again, thanks to everybody who participated in this project and thanks for taking the time to work on these designs.

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  • February 24, 2011 12:44 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    TinkTwice, I have eliminated #64 and #65 for now. Nothing wrong with them or the colour, just need to thin out the number of designs so I am more focussed on the designs now than the colours. We can sort out the colours once the finalist has been chosen. Your #63 is rated a 5.

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  • February 24, 2011 12:34 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    *** TO ALL DESIGNERS *** Thanks for all the new submissions, they really look stunning. All new submissions have been rated. NEW SUBMISSIONS New submissions can be submitted up to Sunday this week. As from Monday no new submission will be taken in. EXTENSION OF PROJECT I am going to extend the deadline of this project with 3 days. These 3 days will be used to work with the finalists in order to finalise the selected design(s). FINALISTS All 5 and 4 star rated designs will go through to the finals. The rest will all be eliminated by Monday. Once again, thanks to everybody for the great work submitted. I have another big project coming up in April involving a rather large marketing campaign and I will definitely make use of your services again. Price money will be considerable higher next time round.

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  • February 23, 2011 5:56 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    Thanks for the new submissions. I am just a bit tied up today in meetings but will go through all of them tonight and provide feedback as well as ratings.

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  • February 22, 2011 11:54 PM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #50 Rhayz, please see earlier comments made about fonts #49 Nice change Paijo

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  • February 22, 2011 1:24 PM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    *** ALL DESIGNERS *** Thanks for your submissions thus far. We have just gone through all of the submission and narrowed it down a bit in order to try and keep the focus in the direction we would like to go. Please read through the following comments for each submission even if it does not apply to you as I provided some additional information that might help with any future designs. Following is the revised rating for all submissions in order of their new star rating (in random order per rating). 4 STARS #22 Simplicity, professionalism, clean yet still bold enough to make a statement and just enough abstractness with the arrow and decimal point #18 Good strong image of 5 and D combined. Excellent colour contrast. Bold font but designed in such a way that it the boldness is not intrusive at all. Good design (!! The wife loves it) #35 Good strong image of 5 and D combined with the added arrow which ties in to our trading activities. Very clean and subtle and like the very slight reflection. #36 Another good one. Similar comment as for #35 above. Like the way the d is reflected in the image, few see it at first glance and when it is spotted it is pointed out i.e. ‘did you see the d in there, nice’. I like the fact that the logo is clean and easy to interpret yet it ‘hides’ a bit of itself but reveals it easily i.e. no need to be a rocket scientist to spot the d. 3 STARS #26 Nice design. Thought of moving it down a bit in the rating but it is almost like a pair of old shoes. They sit too comfortable to get rid of and that tells me something. I cannot put my finger on it yet but there is something about this one that keeps me upping its rating to keep it in the running. Not sure what can be changed and whether anything should be changed. #29 You know that feeling when you are bound to go on holiday, that anticipation and excitement. That is how I feel about this one. I get excited thinking where it is heading and believe there is plenty of potential in this fella but it is not quite there yet. #38 I like the simplicity and the colour contrasts used. Looks just as good on the white as black background. The 5D combination however might be interpreted as a S if you are not familiar with the name already. Our minds read whole words and not individual letter and the beginning and end parts of the word are thus important in order for our minds to pluck the right one from our built-in dictionary. #45 A very nice simple yet very elegant logo. I dropped the other two submissions which were similar in design. I love the simplicity and the fact that it is so clear, you can see and read it from a distance. One thing however, is it the right design for our business. Our world is sometimes a cut-throat business or a dog eats dog world. It is thus not always an easy environment and one has to be tough. Also, the financial services field we are in a relatively conservative sector where most know each other. If we were a client facing business i.e. selling insurance etc.. then this logo would be ideal as it radiates friendliness and calmness. I gave it a 3 rating as I like the design but at this stage it is not quite there yet. Maybe just a change in the colours ? Not too sure. Will think about it and drop you a message. #47 & #46 Simple, compact and some nice abstractness in the image which is easily understood as the name is right there so the connection is made very quickly and easily. I am still ‘chewing’ on them a bit and might bump them up a bit later. 2 STARS #16 Pref. the #26 design received later but this one still deserves a second look so holding it in the ranks. #43 Another nice design with a slightly different angle than the others. Creative and compact. I find the font a bit to on the bold side. See the comments made below for images 39 and 28 regarding the font. 1 STAR #39 & #28 You have something here but these designs are not quite there yet. See my earlier comments about as well as some made in this post about the industry we are in. Your designs are excellent if we were more in the online shopping/gaming industry as they are full of live and ‘bright’. We are however in a dull and conservative industry where you have to toe the line if you want to be taken seriously. It is not so much the colour in the designs but rather the large or bold font, it is almost as if the logo shouts out at you, which is not bad but not for us. Also, the cut-off point on the reflection on the text is a bit harsh; it looks more like half of the reflection was wiped out than a true reflection which tends to fade out. I like the combination of the 5 and the D in both these designs. Tone down the ‘big fat’ font a bit and let’s see if we can get them up to the 3 or 4 stars. DROPPED #34 & #37 - #35 taken instead #23 for #18 #31, #25 & 24 for #38 #48 & #44 for #45 #32 & #42 – Not what I had in mind. #40 & #41 – Not what I had in mind.

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  • February 22, 2011 4:37 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    Djormani, thanks for #38, I took #33 off

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  • February 22, 2011 4:11 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #34, #35, #36 Nice ones Ultimatedesign, you guys just love making this difficult don’t you :-). Will have to get another pair, or two, of eyes in here to assist with the ratings. Rated them all 3 for now. Will 'thin' things out a bit tonight and provide comments on the top ones.

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  • February 22, 2011 3:40 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #33 Nice, think it actually looks better with the colours changed around as the blue now stands out more. Not sure if the gradient background is a good thing, can become tricky to work with in some areas. Just a plain transparent background please.

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  • February 22, 2011 3:36 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #32 Treblazy. Still to bold. It looks nice but think of a bank. Conservative and old school, then add a bit of a modern touch without going to bold or extravagant. Your designs are colourful, gives it lots of live but also makes it to ‘bold’ i.e. extravagant for the industry we are in. Tone it down a little on the colour or maybe remove the gradient on the name…not too sure…. At this stage it is just a bit to ‘much’ ?

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  • February 22, 2011 3:23 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #30 Treblazy, you are heading in the wrong direction now. See previous comment on #27

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  • February 22, 2011 3:19 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #29 Nice design, something different. Clean simple yet intriguing. Just don’t like the Orange but otherwise a good one thanks.

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  • February 22, 2011 3:17 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    *** NOTE TO ALL DESIGNERS *** I try and rate the submissions as often as possible in order to keep the ones that are on the ‘right track’ at the top. So please sort the submissions by star ratings. I will try and update this as often as possible so that all designers can see where they stand. Please note, if your star rating is dropped it does not mean that you are out of the running. There are good points in almost all of the designs and where possible I will try and communicate with each to highlight these.

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  • February 22, 2011 2:57 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #28, you are on the right track, font on name part looks better. Still find the 5D part a bit too bold though. I understand that it might lose its impact if decreased, maybe just a little?

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  • February 22, 2011 2:54 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #26 Nice one aleeshan. Like the red used in the design and the way the 5 is presented in the D, gives it a modern feel yet with an overall clear and relatively conservative feel. The 5&D section of the logo also makes a ‘strong’ image to be used on in other places as a standalone image.

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  • February 22, 2011 2:51 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #27 Treblazy, nice and colourful, however, the font is to bold. I am looking for a more ‘refined’ professional looking design. My company deals in the financial services market i.e. in the same market as banks and stock brokers. So there needs to be a bit of ‘conservatism’ to the logo. Your last one (#27) is nice and colourful but may be looked down on in this market and not be taken seriously. I like the integration of the 5 and the D but maybe try and do the logo with a less bold font. #22/#21 are good examples. Not saying do the same, just use as an idea. Thanks

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  • February 22, 2011 1:58 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #24 & #25 Good designs djormani thanks. Like the ‘clear’ looks of the logo and the touch on the A. Simple yet effective.

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  • February 22, 2011 1:47 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #21 & #22 Sorry missed these two. Yes, better than the ones with a decimal point before the 5 which might be confusing.

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  • February 22, 2011 1:45 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #20 Also good, rated it the same for now. Think the 5 in different colour as in #19 stands out a bit more. Like the simplicity yet modern feel. #23 Also a nice design, however pref. #18 as the image part of the logo is strong and as said, can be used on its own.

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  • February 22, 2011 1:27 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #19 Nice and clean. Like the abstract nature used. #18 Nice design and colours. Strong image which can easily stand by itself without the text.

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  • February 21, 2011 10:18 PM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #15 The font is a bit to bold and thick, would pref. a thinner font.

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  • February 21, 2011 2:53 PM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    #11 & #14 - If you are familiar with the name then the 5 is rather obvious when you look at the designs, however, you might look right past it if you were not aware that it was a 5, might even pass for an S as well. Good designs thanks.

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  • February 21, 2011 7:51 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    An old logo that was used can be seen on this the twitter site at Not looking for the same, this is just for an idea.

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  • February 21, 2011 7:41 AM
    5Decimals 5Decimals
      Project Holder
    In my brief I stated that any colors will be considered but after looking through several other projects and our old site the two colors that come up more often than not is olive green and black. I like the blue in the current drafts but looking at them now, I doubt whether blue will be selected so please focus all future designs on olive green and black/dark gray etc.. Please see the links posted earlier for an ideas of the color combinations. Hope this helps and thanks for the submissions so far.

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