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Green Man Logo

Green Man Garden Maintenance

Contest Holder GreenMan ?

Last Logged in : 5174days5hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Green Man Logo
Industry: Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 19, 2010
Selected: 1 winning design from 44 concepts
Winning Design by: Alexa
Close Date: Mar 26, 2010

Green Man Logo -

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Green Man Logo

Green Man Garden Maintenance


Garden maintenance services, we would like to create a recognisable brand which could be franchised and become a well known company.

Industry Oriented

Green, red


One idea that I have is to make the 'n' in green and the 'M' in Man like blades of grass and to have a figure on the right of a character with a pair of shears. The 'garden maintenance' lettering should be smaller and underneath 'Green Man'. I'm also open to other ideas.



  • March 28, 2010 12:05 AM
    dileep dileep
    wat is N and M plz tell dat

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  • March 26, 2010 1:17 PM
    admin admin
    Thank you (aadesign, and ibsurd)for the wonderful comments. CH wanted a similar character with the 3d look. Please let the him decide what he wants.

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  • March 26, 2010 11:20 AM
    ibsurd ibsurd
    I can easily redraw Bugs Bunny by hand and change his color and re-pose his ears, but the copyrights would still not belong to me. So I would not have the right to sell the image., Using pre-existing images hurts the client. (They can't copyright their logo and are setting themselves up for lawsuits. They end up paying the designer for a useless logo.) Using pre-existing images also hurts other designers, and this site. If a client gets burned here, they will be sure to tell others. A bad reputation for the site means less work for everyone. I see the use of clipart (100% copy) in some other designs....

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  • March 26, 2010 5:46 AM
    aadesign aadesign
    Great! :( Somebody create, waste time, and somebody copy 1:1 ready ideas (sometimes could happen similar ideas, but this is copy!). I hope, Alexa, you explaned to contest holder, that it is not correctly to colleagues.

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  • March 26, 2010 5:24 AM
    Alexa Alexa
    contest holder asked for this "NM" in their brief.

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  • March 26, 2010 5:19 AM
    aadesign aadesign
    Look at letters "NM" of #21 (ibkxe) and #25 (Alexa). I noticed some "very small" similarity! :)

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  • March 26, 2010 5:11 AM
    Alexa Alexa
    The only thing the same is the pose of the man...but have resubmitted design for contest holder, thanks for the guide lines ibsurd, i do not believe that i'm in breach, but better to be safe than sorry. the man was and still is drawn by me.

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  • March 26, 2010 3:20 AM
    ibsurd ibsurd
    An overlay suggests otherwise. The outline and positioning is almost exact. It may have been drawn and shirt line removed, with parts slightly modified, but it is still too close to the original image. One can easily see the original image in it. Anyone can redraw existing images (even without tracing), but one cannot call it their own, nor sell it and the copyrights.

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  • March 26, 2010 3:05 AM
    Alexa Alexa
    I see mine is standing the same way, but is different in shape, design etc. And not in breech of copyright. It was drawn by me in Illustrator, and i have not used a stock image or downloaded any image/vector to use with my logo design. I have used his stance as requested by CH, but have not used the image.. there is no breach with my design. For peace of mind.

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  • March 26, 2010 2:14 AM
    ibsurd ibsurd
    I chose not to draw the image pointed out by the CH as a "reference only" because it is a stock image. According to the stock image sites, an image is free to use for desktop publishing in any way chosen as long as it is not for resale. An image can be modified and called your own, only if it is modified enough so that it is not recognized as the original image. If the image looks much like the original then it cannot be used for sale in a logo. The licensing agreements on those sites explicitly state that the stock images can not be used for resale - "cannot use any of the Content as part of a trade-mark, design-mark, trade-name, business name, service mark, or logo",1247998199,1/stock-photo--d-character-leaning-on-copy-space-easy-to-use-in-your-own-design-with-text-or-logo-for-example-33884599.jpg

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  • March 25, 2010 8:58 PM
    Alexa Alexa
    thanks jp1876 - very kind words!

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  • March 25, 2010 8:24 PM
    jp1876 jp1876
    nice job alexa

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  • March 25, 2010 3:51 PM
    GreenMan GreenMan
      Project Holder
    Alexa I like the lettering in #24 best I think but could you try some different colours for 'GARDEN MAINTENANCE' I'm not sure that red is the best colour. Thanks.

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  • March 25, 2010 3:17 AM
    GreenMan GreenMan
      Project Holder
    I think the character in #24 and #25 by Alexa is great. Could you do some alternatives with the lettering but keep the character the same?

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  • March 25, 2010 3:12 AM
    GreenMan GreenMan
      Project Holder
    I think #22 by Ibsurd is the closest to what I'm looking for. The body of the character is good, could the head be slightly less comical? What alternative fonts would look good? Any other ideas along these lines ?

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  • March 24, 2010 7:30 PM
    ibsurd ibsurd
    ok. Will draw him in a similar position.

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  • March 24, 2010 7:14 PM
    ibkxe ibkxe
    Is that design more or less what you see? thanks

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  • March 24, 2010 6:53 PM
    GreenMan GreenMan
      Project Holder
    I just found a picture of the shape of character I would like to see. I did a search for 'logo caharacter images' on google and went to google images. The character is on page 53, and is titled 3D character leaning, an image from shutterstock .com.

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  • March 24, 2010 6:32 PM
    GreenMan GreenMan
      Project Holder
    Ibsurd could you play around with the shape/style of the man a bit more. I prefer the shape of the man in #14 but with the rest as in #18etc. Could you come up with a character style which is more conservative/smarter, almost like a ragdoll type shape. Perhaps standing with one hand on waist, shears in the other hand. I like the idea of grass as hair but could you make it more like a tuft/crest of a wave? Rather than black dots in the eyes could you make them differently, perhaps green/darker green?

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  • March 24, 2010 9:30 AM
    ibsurd ibsurd
    So you want different head shapes? I can draw the features without the black outlines.

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  • March 24, 2010 2:38 AM
    GreenMan GreenMan
      Project Holder
    I was thinking different styles of face rather than different expressions. Could the features be done with out/ or with less of the black outlining?

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  • March 23, 2010 5:03 PM
    ibsurd ibsurd
    Yes I will do that. Is there any particular expression you would like to see on the face?

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  • March 23, 2010 4:30 PM
    GreenMan GreenMan
      Project Holder
    I like draft #13 by ibsurd, that's really along the right lines. Could the man be on the right hand side? Could you come up with some different faces for the character.

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  • March 21, 2010 3:48 PM
    GreenMan GreenMan
      Project Holder
    I see the character as being a caricature of a man, like a cartoon character but simple. A simple human figure ( like a plasticine figure? ) possibly with some detail in the face and some grassy hair? holding a pair of shears. I think the figure should be separate from the lettering. Any other ideas welcome.

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  • March 20, 2010 4:09 PM
    ibkxe ibkxe
    can you give me a better description about how do you see the character? thanks

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