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Optimum Logo Design

Optimum Energy Products /

Contest Holder optimumenergy ?

Last Logged in : 5121days14hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Optimum Logo Design
Industry: Energy Logo
Contest Launched: Sep 14, 2010
Selected: 1 winning design from 57 concepts
Winning Design by: Sergem
Close Date: Sep 22, 2010

Optimum Logo Design - Energy

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Optimum Logo Design

Optimum Energy Products /

Personalized. Proactive. Performance.


Distributor of professional electrical test tools and energy metering products, mostly through the Internet. We focus on having the right products available and fast reliable personalized service.




Industry Oriented
High Tech

For subtle design, consider using shades of green and white as used in the website design or for a more striking design, consider using the ‘gold/orange’ of the legacy ‘electric e’, all of which can be seen on

not sure

This logo should be either a circle or square (or slightly rectangular, but it should not be too tall or too long).

Our products fit into three categories:
Electrical test equipment
Gas detectors for worker personal safety
Energy measurement - both in an industrial context for cost savings and also some products that come from a ‘green’ angle.

Our customers are predominately male although we don’t wish to the logo to be TOO masculine.

The logo you design will be used both for the website (which will have the same design as the design previously given) AND it will be used for our company, Optimum Energy Products. So the logo should not incorporate the company name or website name because it needs to work for both.

Lastly, regarding the use of the slogan in the logo - we aren't sure if we want to see the slogan in the "illustrative" or "initial" style that we are asking you to create, or whether it should appear alongside either the company name or website, which will appear next to your logo.

We are open to ideas and look forward to seeing what you have! Go get 'er!

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  • September 21, 2010 1:38 AM
    Sergem Sergem
    Thank you very much PH, wish you all the best:) Thanks jaggu (one of my new idol here:)) and maxmix (one of my all time favorite designers here. Now I can buy a present for your bday(remember that?:))

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  • September 21, 2010 12:55 AM
    jaggu jaggu
    congrats sergem

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  • September 20, 2010 1:30 PM
    maxmix maxmix
    Congrats! Bro you do it again...again n again ;)Cheers!

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  • September 20, 2010 1:15 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    I just wanted to thank all of you designers out there who submitted your designs. I appreciate your time and efforts. Congratulations to Sergem who won this logo design project. Keep up the great work! optimumenergy

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  • September 20, 2010 11:39 AM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    This logo project is now officially awarding $279 to the winner. Thanks all!

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  • September 20, 2010 9:15 AM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    Dear designers, I'll be eliminating some designs from the submission list. This is no reflection on your skills, but merely a reflection of the direction we'd like to proceed. Please keep up the awesome work! greatly appreciated :)

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  • September 20, 2010 9:10 AM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @Sergem - #33, #34, #37, #38 - We like this direction here Sergem. Note to other designers, we encourage you to be expand on this one.

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  • September 18, 2010 5:36 AM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @jaggu - #22; you definitely read my super long comment! kudos. Can you revise that one and use lowercase Arabic Transparent or an alternative would be a helvetica neue-type. also I'd like to see it on a green background colour as on thanks jaggu!

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  • September 17, 2010 12:57 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @zerin74 - thank you for submission #9. We like the font choice, not the first letter color difference, but sans-serif nice. We like how you focused on the Mark more but it was too "Agriculturish" for us because we couldnt see if it was a flower or a seed or something like that. BTW, Please read the super long comment I posted below to see additional notes and direction for this logo project! Thanks for your work, we hope to see more. thanks zerin74!

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  • September 17, 2010 12:53 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @sinarjaya - Thank you for #8, although we want a symbol mark, abstract image instead of text, we did like the way you styled the OEP though :) so stars for you there! Thanks sinarjaya!

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  • September 17, 2010 12:49 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @sinarjaya - Thank you for your logo submission. Although your concept does use all colors, the "oil spill" type accent is something we dont want to portray. We do like the circle and something encompassing it though :) BTW, please read the super long comment below about this project, hope it helps! thanks sinarjaya!

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  • September 17, 2010 12:47 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @dany96 thanks for your #12 submission. The thing with this logo I've seen it before with exercise equipment. We're more interested in using a GOLD color, with no swooshes. Also please read the comment I posted above to help. Thanks dany96!

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  • September 17, 2010 12:45 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @eds2008 - Thank you for your submission #6. The impression I got was that your mark was about growth or possibly about finance or performance like - Have a look at our product lines on, and go from there. It doesn't have to be anything specific as its abstract, but at the same time can stand alone. Thanks eds2008!

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  • September 17, 2010 12:41 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @sangomma - Thank you for #2 & #3 submissions. We like how you've kept more focus on the Abstract Mark. We'd like more of a less "shamrock" font, like Arabic Transparent. Try to add some color to the mark or another variation. Please also refer to the long comment I posted above, thanks sangomma!

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  • September 17, 2010 12:38 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    @koSnoS - thank you for your submission (1) Please refer to the large comment above to get more direction, thanks koSnoS! :)

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  • September 17, 2010 12:34 PM
    optimumenergy optimumenergy
      Project Holder
    Hi Everyone, Here's some important feedback for all you awesome designers: We're increasing the award for the project - Here's why: We want to add specifications to the project. Old award: $209 New award: $279 * I just spoke with a manager at LogoDesignGuru who will make the change for us when they receive the email. Additional Specs ------------------ Things We Like: - For a font, we like a sans-serif font like ARABIC TRANSPARENT - We're more interested in the Abstract Mark: - It needs to be able to stand alone without text beside it. - We like "O" - it can be simple or try to add an object like a simple vector of an electrical tester (see for inspiration but don't let the yellow consume you) - We like circles, but if you can do something with the slanted black oval that you see on, that'd be great. Things We Don't Like: - No waves or swooshes - No lighting bolts - Nothing "agriculatural" that resembles a seed, flower or leaf - Nothing too dark: so please dont use too much black in the Mark IMPORTANT: - Can you write us a note or comment below your logo to explain your concept to us or where it came from? Then we can see what you're thinking :) If you have any additional questions, send me a message and I'll respond asap. We appreciate your time and efforts :)

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