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Logo for marijuana legalization enthusiast/brand ambassador, "Professor Nutbutter"...

Professor Nutbutter

Contest Holder Lotgrinder ?

Last Logged in : 1002days21hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for marijuana legalization e ...
Industry: Medical Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 24, 2019
Selected: 1 winning design from 127 concepts
Winning Design by: EEgraphix
Close Date: Aug 30, 2019

Logo for marijuana legalization enthusiast/brand ambassador, "Professor Nutbutter"... - Medical

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo for marijuana legalization enthusiast/brand ambassador, "Professor Nutbutter"...

Professor Nutbutter


Professor Nutbutter is a medical marijuana cultivator. He produces medical marijuana products that cure anxiety, stress, headaches, chronic pain, depression, etc. This logo needs to bring "Professor Nutbutter," a happy, jolly, wise, and sophisticated old man to life.


Web 2.0
Web 2.0


Shades of green, black, and white for sure.


Please take a look at the images I've included with this project for inspiration when creating "Professor Nutbutter," the character. All logo designs need to have the character, "Professor Nutbutter" in the logo and also the lettering "Professor Nutbutter" somewhere. Professor Nutbutter may eventually open his own shop where he will be legally able to sell medical marijuana, marijuana cartridges full of oil for vaping pens, and then all sorts of medical marijuana snacks and treats like gummy bears, brownies, cookies, etc.

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  • August 28, 2019 5:27 PM
    Lotgrinder Lotgrinder
      Project Holder
    In order to include everything I'd like in the logo I think we need the marijuana leaf in the back, then the character "Professor Nutbutter" is standing in front of it. I'd like him to be holding a silver tray full of baked goods, cookies, brownies, cupcakes, pieces of cake, etc, and the lettering "Professor Nutbutter" needs to be below him and perhaps the gummy worms can be worked into the lettering....or maybe the marijuana leaf and gummy worms can be worked into part of the lettering and we still use the circle behind him. All I can say is make sure to download all the images I have included with this project and keep submitting ideas. Working a table full of baked goods somehow, someway might be good as well. The baked goods are important because Professor Nutbutter will be baking them.

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  • August 27, 2019 10:51 AM
    Lotgrinder Lotgrinder
      Project Holder
    The colors are not limited to just green, white, and black. Many marijuana strains also have purple in them if you google "Marijuana Nugget." Also, Professor Nutbutter will also be making baked goods like cookies, jellies, jams, cake, gummy bears, gummy worms, brownies, etc that have marijuana in them. I'd like to see some designs with those items worked in as well.

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  • August 26, 2019 5:07 PM
    Lotgrinder Lotgrinder
      Project Holder
    I am liking the designs where the character, "Professor Nutbutter" is coming out of a circle behind him and the name itself, "Professor Nutbutter" is underneath the circle and character.

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