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Logo design for Insurance Agency

LIA - Lakewood Insurance Agency (Inc.)

Contest Holder lakewoodinsurance ?

Last Logged in : 4786days3hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo design for Insurance Agency
Contest Launched: Jun 28, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 435 concepts
Winning Design by: ACEdesign
Close Date: Aug 06, 2011

Logo design for Insurance Agency - Financial Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo design for Insurance Agency

LIA - Lakewood Insurance Agency (Inc.)

Since 1982


We are a full service Insurance Agency selling Life Insurance products(Whole life, Term etc.)Group Health Insurance. In addition, we sell Commercial Insurance for businesses(liability, Workers Comp.)& for individual property( i.e. Homeowners, Renters etc..

Financial Services


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



There is no restriction on colors.

not sure

I've attached few references in terms of a symbol and lettering. Kindly review them. I do not want any animals, people, buildings or structures in my logo.

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  • November 05, 2011 10:53 PM
    RichardB RichardB
    Check out its pretty awesome,you can win more contests.

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  • August 03, 2011 9:43 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers: Kindly review the updated creative brief before posting for the same.

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  • July 21, 2011 5:14 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    FYI - this project is only open for final revisions

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  • July 21, 2011 2:54 PM
    ljcreative ljcreative
    have u get my revision sir?

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  • July 11, 2011 9:22 AM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    Thanks to all for your overwhelming participation! We really are having a difficult time choosing! Our colleagues will be making a selection in the next several days & we will update the site as soon as a winner has been selected. Thanks again, to ALL! Your creative talent and input is really amazing!!

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  • July 10, 2011 2:35 PM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    Hi Guys! Thanks for all your great work!! I am most amazed by your talent & creativity and have recommended this site to Family & Friends.. Judging the new submissions, there seems to have been a misunderstanding.. What we had in mind is: THREE SEPARATE circles each one containing another letter - L, I, A while all circles would somehow be interconnected.. Thanks again, & Best of Luck!!

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  • July 06, 2011 6:47 PM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    Ok, as the Contest winds down.. We'd like to thank everyone for the great response and creativity shown!! At this point, we would like to see the use of other Icons. Perhaps Pillars, Horses( from Chess set) etc. We are also thinking of a simple L I A in interlocking circles of some sort.. Thanks again, and best of luck to all!!

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  • July 05, 2011 2:35 PM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    We also would like to see some Logo's with just LIA Insurance as the business name( and Lakewood Insurance Agency, maybe not there at all or perhaps somewhere but nos as prominent. Again, thanks to all for your overwhelming involvement!!

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  • July 05, 2011 2:27 PM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    An now for a Status Update: We STILL have not come across anything that really stands out for Creativity while still remains Polished & Professional. Sharp & Sophisticated.We've extended the Contest another few days. Please, please try and come up with something CREATIVE!! No more Buildings :) C'mon I've told all my friends, Colleagues & Family about his Contest.. Show us what you've got!! Best of Luck to all!

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  • July 04, 2011 1:36 PM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    Ok. Thanks everybody for such a great response!! I think, that we decided not to highlight the word; "lakewood" so can we get "Lakewood" equal to "Insurance Agency" (e.g. draft # 81, 71 etc.)? Also, we really need to come up with something edgy & creative while still retaining a polished look. Any ideas?? Pictures, sketches etc... If the words are too cumbersome feel free to drop in favor of LIA Insurance (& have the full text- Lakewood Insurance Agency in there but perhaps background, smaller.) Thanks! & Happy Independence day to all!!

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  • July 03, 2011 4:57 PM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    Alright Guys, nothing is "talking to us "yet. We're looking for something that is both professional & polished, sophisticated & sharp. Again, feel free to mix in abstract logos (i.e. Buildings, Shapes etc.)Also, you can play around with the text (i.e. LIA INSURANCE as the name with Lakewood Insurance Agency as the backround)The font in draft # 71 & # 11 seemed to work the best.. Good Luck & All The Best!

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  • July 01, 2011 11:35 AM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    Also, feel free play around with incorporating abstract Icons etc. Again, we're looking for something that bespeaks Professional, Polished ,Successful firm that is current , updated etc.. Thanks!!

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  • July 01, 2011 10:05 AM
    lakewoodinsurance lakewoodinsurance
      Project Holder
    Thanks guys!! They look nice. Please see how I rated these designs. I like the ones with 4 stars but I want to highlight LIA and Lakewood Insurance Agency in there as well but perhaps smaller...Also i like nice and neat but with a little more pizazz ...

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