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Business Logo for Windland Flats

Windland Flats

Contest Holder jkrenz12 ?

Last Logged in : 4897days1hr ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Business Logo for Windland Flats
Industry: Agriculture Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 30, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 41 concepts
Winning Design by: tabish
Close Date: Sep 19, 2011

Business Logo for Windland Flats - Agriculture

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Business Logo for Windland Flats

Windland Flats


Website for inspiration:
Windland is the most important part of the name. Windland is because it is very windy. Land is because all of our animal breeds are Scottish in origin (Highland, Shetland, etc) (though we are not Scottish)
Flats - our land is completely flat. But, I also want flats to be the "new name" for a "farm." "Our cattle come from the "Flats." This is part of my twist on a modern word to asscociate it with Ag (Flats are generally apartments, Roof Tops, etc.)
Farm - We don't have farm in our name, but I could invision using the word "farm" if the symbol doesn't get us to a "Farm" fast enough.
> > How the Logo Makes You Feel: Freshness meets MODERN agriculture. Happy. Melo, Peaceful. Not 60's peaceful and melo, but modern sustainability. Could incude the city, st in the logo to make it "local".
Clean lines - modern look. Quickly associates you with beef (see the horns on my cattle pictures and sheep for inspriration at the website). Stay away from "Cattle branding - hot irons that make marks on cattle" or anything else that looks "factory farm like."
Incorporate a slight "wind" or breeze to reflect the name perhaps.
I'm looking for a symbol - not necessarily just a stylizied name.
Something that can be easily used on small packages and prints small.


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Colors: Earth Tones - The feeling that we are connected to the land. Must also work as black and white as b/w is how all of the labels for my meat print.

not sure

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  • September 07, 2011 9:42 PM
    jkrenz12 jkrenz12
      Project Holder
    I like the abstract design look. However, the abstract needs to relate to our farm somehow, like cattle and sheep horns wrapped together or something. Thanks, Windland Flats

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  • September 07, 2011 3:44 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Contest has been extended for 3 more days. Good Luck!

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  • September 01, 2011 10:05 AM
    jkrenz12 jkrenz12
      Project Holder
    Thanks for the draft logo. A couple of comments. The business name is actually Windland Flats, not Windland Farm, so you need to change that part. I really like the green and the circle. I really like the cow and calf together. That really says "Family farm." However, since I'm a cattle person, I'll get a little picky on the cow - it looks more like a buffalo than a cow. I think it's just the head that makes it look like a buffalo. Can you make the head look more like a Scottish Highland head, please? The brown color in the center - it's a little too orange for me. Perhaps a little more tan brown and less orange. One thing the logo doesn't do is that it doesn't necessarily draw people to the fact that we also have sheep, chickens, etc, but the cow/calf is very powerful and I'm not sure how you incorporate that at this time. Overall - really good.

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