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Business logo for pharma consulting company

DNA Health

Contest Holder krasito ?

Last Logged in : 4502days23hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Business logo for pharma consulti ...
Contest Launched: Feb 16, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 72 concepts
Winning Design by: lakshmiks
Close Date: Mar 07, 2012

Business logo for pharma consulting company - Pharmacy/Pharmaceuticals

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Business logo for pharma consulting company

DNA Health

Facta Research, Inc.


DNA Health is a social network analytics firm for the pharmaceutical industry. We have a network mapping solution that identifies key opinion leaders and influencers among online communities of physicians.


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark

Industry Oriented
High Tech

blue and blank


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  • March 02, 2012 5:13 AM
    krasito krasito
      Project Holder
    #72 and #73 can you center the height of the text in relation to the icon?

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  • February 28, 2012 11:20 AM
    krasito krasito
      Project Holder
    #36 I really like the font but not the symbol. See symbol of #12 for reference of something that looks a bit more original #12 as mentioned before, i love your proposed symbol but not convinced of the font used for DNA Health. I would love if you submit different proposals since the contest has been extended for 3 days.

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  • February 23, 2012 9:19 PM
    krasito krasito
      Project Holder
    Draft #22 lakshmiks, i love the font and the colors, but not the symbol. can you try with other symbol options?

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  • February 19, 2012 9:14 PM
    krasito krasito
      Project Holder
    To be honest, i am not convinced, is there any way we could integrate the text and the symbol a little more? Changes that come to mind would be not to use bold font for the word "health" and put the whole name in one line (i think it look better) with the symbol to the left. Can you try with other fonts as well?

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  • February 18, 2012 11:37 PM
    mineski mineski
    is that better? thank you for your comments. anything else need to change? thanks!

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  • February 18, 2012 10:06 PM
    krasito krasito
      Project Holder
    You hit it on the spot! I love the symbol. The only thing i don't like is the font/typography used for DNA Health, i would like something more modern (kind of the font used by Apple). Also, i would like to see the company name in two lines but also in one line. If you use two lines i think the word DNA and the word Health should have the same length. Great job!

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  • February 16, 2012 11:58 AM
    krasito krasito
      Project Holder
    Thank you for your designs, however, i am looking for more of an internet startup look. Given that we work with social networks i thought perhaps some element to represent this would be interesting to see.

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