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Spacios Design

Spacios Design - Interior design. architecture. art

Contest Holder spaciosdesign ?

Last Logged in : 4764days20hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Spacios Design
Industry: Architecture Logo
Contest Launched: May 16, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 149 concepts
Winning Design by: parusheva
Close Date: May 23, 2011

Spacios Design - Architecture

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Spacios Design

Spacios Design - Interior design. architecture. art


This is for an interior design business that is based on the US but provides services to international clients. In my opinion the business image needs to say EVERYTHING about who I am and what I offer. I describe my design as modern chic (eclectic) and the word sophistication is on every room that I design. I work with a very high end clientele and some of my favorite furniture resources are,,, and


Logo Type
Logo Type


yellow/green (look at this website as reference) plus neutrals like a soft grey, soft brown, beige, taupe and white. This is a suggestion but I am open to explore something within those lines of sophistication, modernism and upscale point of view.

not sure

you can go to my website to look for some of the examples of my work. I don't like the overall design of the website so please don't use that as reference for anything. As an FYI I love the room showing in this website under "industrial-countryside-chic"

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  • May 25, 2011 9:23 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Hi all, We needed to select a winner but you all were truly amazing and a pleasure to work with! All the best and thank you for such amazing work! Congratulations parusheva!!

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  • May 23, 2011 9:36 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 147 please remove the word design from the logo and use grey and lime green as colors. I hope you can make the changes to be considered. Thanks so much!

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  • May 23, 2011 6:55 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft. #112 you got the concept but aim not getting the icon...look at what I have rate with five stars for an idea but I am looking for something that express "spaces" in an abstract way. Color ant fonts are perfect. Thank you an I hope you can make it since I am not extending the contest! If you need more feedback let me know!

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  • May 23, 2011 6:47 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #137 I love the concept! please remove the word design from the logo. I need the font for the wording in grey to be skinnier and I don't like it bold. Also needs to be a softer grey. I think that will make it! Thank you!

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  • May 23, 2011 3:44 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 132 please make it simpler, do a more skinny font and take away the highlight color on the wording at the bottom. Also I would like to see your icon simpler so maybe just do one of them instead of four. We are getting there! I will check constantly for any updates! Thank you!

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  • May 23, 2011 9:27 AM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Thank you all! For your time, efforts and consideration to my project! I will also design my website and stationery after this project. If you are interested in participating please let me know to send you an invitation. Oh and the best part... Thank you for your amazing designs! we have so many winners so far right now that is going to be a hard decision! It will come by Wednesday after a meeting with all the people who works for Spacios! Thank you!

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  • May 23, 2011 9:19 AM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #123 please follow the final guidelines: colors are grey and lime green. Font must be skinny and contemporary. Horizontal design with an ico is what I am looking for. You still have some time to turn in something that can be successful! I like the icon used on your design...go for it! And thank you!

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  • May 23, 2011 8:26 AM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #115 please present a horizontal version of your design to be considered. I like it as is! Great job!

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  • May 22, 2011 12:45 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 109 I think you got the concept and colors, I don't like the font very much please change it to be less "tall" and with a more even proportion. I like that is it is close! The icon will be the decision maker to me and my staff. Please make it a bit more sophisticated and not as traditional. Think that needs to represent spaces and if I use the icon on it's own is strong enough to represent that and my company. Thank you for your entry!!!! Is looking good!

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  • May 21, 2011 3:16 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #96 great start! You got the concept I am looking for! Please give me a different idea of the icon. I need it to be more inspirational...something that makes you think of "spaces" " interiors" " design" " architectural elements" but in an abstract way, nothing too obvious...the icon is what will define the winner, the concept needs to be presented horizontal as well (please) so I can have a complete visual. I hope this helps and if you need more feedback let me know. Font and colors are fine. Thank you for you attention!

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  • May 21, 2011 12:49 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #90 that is your final logo! Could you please present in a horizontal version like # 44 did? I really loved what was achieved! Thank you!

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  • May 20, 2011 7:53 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #64 I think you got the concept that I am looking for but I need something more creative. Think that "spacios" means spaces in english (at least in my head) so I am looking for an icon that can define spaces in an abstract way. I think your idea of the branches is getting that idea but I have better proposals for that already so I would like to see what else you can propose. Think texture, a cool fabric design or pattern, like you did for drafts #74 and #75 but I am more contemporary and clean lines. There has been one entry that is an exception to that but it will be really hard to beat it! Please try something different, go out there and give me something that defines "spaces"! I believe in your work! Thank you and I look forward to see what you can do!

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  • May 20, 2011 6:09 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #70 Can you present this design with a horizontal configuration? I think this is you final design. Please include also one with the color from your original draft # 63 y show me how can you play with that shape, I like it also when it was not "straight" Thank you a d you are great!

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  • May 20, 2011 5:23 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 67 is perfect as is! Not sure that is what I want to represent but congratulations from everyone involved on this decision. Everyone has made a positive comment about it. Great job!

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  • May 20, 2011 5:18 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 68 can you try the same as with drawing #60? also I like the colors from design #60 better but I really appreciate the variety! You never know right!? I li,e all your font selections by the way...great job!

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  • May 20, 2011 5:11 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #60 I am loving what you are doing but I don't like the "perfect"circle. Can you do a modification of it where we have some "unperfect" edges? I hope I explained myself. Thanks!

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  • May 20, 2011 2:52 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #62 I still need something abstract and not something too obvious as the building...the colors looks better but I dont want black (maybe is espresso or a dark brown, sorry the computer can change the colors but that makes them not what I am looking for) on the logo. Also I need a skinny font. I hope this helps!

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  • May 20, 2011 2:49 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #63 I like your concept a lot...font is great and I would like to see it with more muted colors and with a vertical design. Also the name of the business is "spacios" without the "u" in my "design world" that means spaces! THANKS!

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  • May 20, 2011 8:35 AM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    We are almost there! Bring it on designers... I appreciate your work so much! Please submit anything else you may think that would work, if you are a new designer in place please read my comments to other designers, that will help you a lot! Looking to choose a winner after the weekend!

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  • May 20, 2011 8:29 AM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 49 I am still undecise about which font I like best they all are great!! but in the mean time can you show me this design with the icon on the left side? That will help me decide if I like the wording set off to the foggy or if centered. Can you do the same with draft #54? thank you!!

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  • May 20, 2011 8:00 AM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 50 I like your direction, can you change black for a neutral color like taupe or soft grey? Also I seem to like the contemporary skinny fonts so please hive me some options. Thank you!!!!

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  • May 19, 2011 7:23 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #45 I love the concept, I think the font is a keeper and my only suggestion will it be to make the icon design a bit smaller when is on top because to my opinion takes too much place into de design, if the proportion does not work to make it smaller I need something a bit more simple....can I also see #37 with the colors from #45? I think those are the final colors for your design. THANK YOU!

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  • May 19, 2011 3:04 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 40 amazing job! Can you try this design with font from design # 39? Thank you!!!!!

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  • May 19, 2011 3:00 PM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft # 37 I am likening a lot your design. Could you add the accent color to the design? Thanks a bunch!

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  • May 19, 2011 8:24 AM
    spaciosdesign spaciosdesign
      Project Holder
    Draft #21 I like it as is, I would like to try different fonts, I also like color from design # 27 and I would like to see grey on the top icon, the word spacios on grey and the bottom wording in the color from design # 27

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