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Soda Concession

The Soda Stop

Contest Holder GAHBMW ?

Last Logged in : 5043days4hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Soda Concession
Industry: Beverages Logo
Contest Launched: Nov 05, 2010
Selected: 1 winning design from 28 concepts
Winning Design by: TraceyMD
Close Date: Nov 12, 2010

Soda Concession - Beverages

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Soda Concession

The Soda Stop

Fresh Seltzers and Gourmet Italian Soda's


Concession business being set up at festivals, fairs, functions, etc......primarily outdoor events. The product is fresh made seltzer presented and delivered on an old fashiond style soda counter. The patron has a multitude of custom blended flavors in which to chose.



Web 2.0
Web 2.0

Industry Oriented

Red, Black and White are the classic soda fountain colors. Although I am not married to any particular combination.


I thought possibly a stop sign themed logo with red and white letters and background would be catchy and would enhance the name. I do not want an image of a high ball glass with ice cream and a straw. That does not depict my product. This is not an ice cream business.

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  • November 13, 2010 1:24 PM
      Project Holder
    #24--can you also do the black line around the logo like you did in #5. I felt that gave it some depth.

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  • November 13, 2010 1:20 PM
      Project Holder
    #21--can you show me your logo in a Red, Black,and White color scheme? Those are the color that I think that I am ultimately going to decide upon.

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  • November 13, 2010 1:18 PM
      Project Holder
    #24 -- Is it possible to incorporate "Fresh Seltzers and Gourmet Italian Sodas" around the bottom radius of the logo, like you did in submission #5. I just need the text to be darker and more prominent so it stands out. I also liked the way that you had written "Soda" and "Stop" in submission #5. Is it possible to incorporate that look and style into Submission #24

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  • November 10, 2010 4:33 PM
      Project Holder
    #5--I also like this concept. However, the word "The" is getting lost in the bubbles in the upper right. Possibly this word could be respositioned on the upper left area of the logo. The "bubbles" in the upper poriton might be a bit large. Possibly a bit smaller a more of them. A different type of "action" image might help as well. Something that denotes "crisp, or crackling" might work as well---usually you see these expressions in images that denote fireworks or firecrackers popping and exploding. A different color for the bottom text might be advisable so the product description is just noticeable as the name.

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  • November 10, 2010 4:28 PM
      Project Holder
    Design #10 and #11--I love the overall concept. Shows excitement and clearly identifies the concept. I am concerned about image #11 with the white lettering describing the actual product. I feel that the white lettering is not going to grab their attention, because my eyes keep drifting upwards to the main body of the logo..which is not a bad thing.

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  • November 10, 2010 4:28 PM
      Project Holder
    Design #10 and #11--I love the overall concept. Shows excitement and clearly identifies the concept. I am concerned about image #11 with the white lettering describing the actual product. I feel that the white lettering is not going to grab their attention, because my eyes keep drifting upwards to the main body of the logo..which is not a bad thing.

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  • November 09, 2010 5:22 PM
      Project Holder
    Eg Draft #3-- I like the gradient shading from the ends to the center. I also like the font with the emphasis on the "d" and "p". I like the fact that you didn't box yourself strictly in a "stop sign" but that you incorporated the colors. Would it be possible to see a little "action" in the portion above the "a Stop" with something representing carbonation bubbles or visually demonstrating popping and fizzing of fresh seltzer? Would it be possible to somehow dress up the text at the bottom in a different font or color to draw attention to the product?

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