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Seward Brewing Co.

Seward Brewing Co.

Contest Holder GeneMinden ?

Last Logged in : 4566days6hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Seward Brewing Co.
Industry: Beverages Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 12, 2012
Selected: 2 winning design from 337 concepts
Winning Design by: artsie9324
Close Date: Jan 26, 2012

Seward Brewing Co. - Beverages

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Seward Brewing Co.

Seward Brewing Co.


Seward Brewing Co. is a new brewpub in Seward Alaska. Seward is a very busy tourist town. We have alot of sightseeing, whales, bears, moose and history. We are the start of the iditarod, gold mining, military etc. The building is historic and is being resided with a beautiful copper siding. The interior is original 1948 rough cut beams and joists. There are also alot of original iron brackets showing. The building has a 12 inch thick concrete shell. Alot of the original concrete is showing in the remodel. We also have a panoramic view of the ocean and mountains with glaciers. Something that conveys that.




I think black, red look clean and bold, maybe a little gold

not sure

I want a design that will look great on a t shirt. Something that you would see and say wow that is cool I need that shirt. Some ideas: Think gold rush era, old iron rivots?, Maybe some gold. Maybe a cracked concrete background. Must also say Seward Alaska or just Alaska.

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  • January 26, 2012 11:24 PM
    artsie9324 artsie9324
    Thanks Smart! I appreciate that!

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  • January 26, 2012 9:58 PM
    smartconceptspilipinas smartconceptspilipinas
    congrats Artsie :)

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  • January 26, 2012 8:48 PM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    Thankyou everyone for great work. It was very hard to pick the winner. We wish you all the best. Thanks Gene

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  • January 18, 2012 10:50 AM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    Hi Everyone---Please note that for the most part, we really prefer the hand drawn illustration look over the graphics the ship's wheel, mountains, animals, beer mugs/pilsners etc would probably do better if they were hand illustrated...thanks, and this is going to be a tough job...please double check spelling to make sure it is correct

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  • January 17, 2012 8:25 AM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    We are going to have a tough decision on these great looking logo's. Please remember we will not be using these for bottling, so it is more for advertising, website and locational signage. Red, blacks and golds preferred. Keep them coming in! We will PM you on any changes we would like to see to the one's we like!

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  • January 15, 2012 1:25 AM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    Hey guys. Could somebody try using the map of alaska as the background or a nautical chart? I am very uncreative so I need you guys to try different stuff to come up with something really cool. I like alot of the stuff already but it would be cool to see some totally different stuff and try whatever colors you think look good. Thanks Gene

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  • January 14, 2012 3:57 PM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    FYI We are not bottling so dont worry about making it fit around a bottle. Also a little brighter red and the surrounding color should be white. The red around the logos is a little distracting. I like the stainless steel look incorporated into 35. I like illustrated figures (pen and ink). Please keep them coming, different designs and ideas. Thx everyone is doing great Gene

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  • January 14, 2012 2:22 AM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    I think we should stay away from the mugs of beer and the bottles. We are a brewpub and nice restaurant. So try to keep it more upscale. Thx

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  • January 13, 2012 10:57 PM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    Really like the colors of # 6. Like the old fashion look of #11. Maybe change the miners to an old schooner ship? Also like the font on #6. Haidath could you play around with different things in the porthole. Also add Alaska to it. thx Keep them coming

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  • January 13, 2012 4:14 PM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    It is very important that the design says the word Alaska on it. thx

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  • January 13, 2012 1:52 PM
    GeneMinden GeneMinden
      Project Holder
    Great start guys keep them coming. I will post something tonight with thoughts about what we have so far. I do like the classy refined look of #5 and #6. Not sure if I like the round porthole or not? Maybe some different ideas with that upscale look. Maybe an old steamship or schooner? Thanks Gene

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