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Phoenix Academy

Phoenix Academy

Contest Holder rjhuff41 ?

Last Logged in : 4833days17hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Phoenix Academy
Industry: Education Logo
Contest Launched: Feb 10, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 191 concepts
Winning Design by: sihem
Close Date: Feb 17, 2011

Phoenix Academy - Education

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Phoenix Academy

Phoenix Academy


Phoenix Academy with its state-of-the-art NovaNET digital curriculum is a pacesetter in secondary education.

Phoenix Academy is nationally recognized as a leader in the breakthrough field of digital learning and has become a trusted educational resource for students from many districts in Ohio.

Highly-motivated students can put their education on the fast track, complete high school early and move on to post-secondary education ahead of their class. Our unique digital learning program - fully accredited by the State of Ohio and respected by educational professionals nationwide - lets gifted students move forward at their own pace completing advanced coursework 24/7 in the classroom and during independent study.

On the other side of the coin, Phoenix offers students challenged by any number of educational and life issues an alternative path to graduation. Students succeed at Phoenix Academy despite scheduling problems, special needs, or family matters.

Other students who have become frustrated in the traditional classroom environment due to disengagement with their local school, psychological vulnerability or behavior issues also find success in our program. High school dropouts, who are committed to completing their education, can earn their high school diploma at a comfortable pace despite the demands of work and family.

The prerequisite for success at Phoenix Academy is motivation – a personal commitment to achieving one's educational goals.

The Phoenix Academy Demographics
January 2010

Active Students 723

Gender Total %
Female 347 47.99
Male 376 52.01

Ethnicity Total %
African American 270 37.34
Asian - -
Caucasian 334 46.20
Hispanic 61 8.44
Multiracial 56 7.75
Native American 2 0.28
Other - -

Grade Level Total %
7th Grade 13 1.80
8th Grade 36 4.98
9th Grade 56 7.75
10th Grade 125 17.29
11th Grade 203 28.08
12th Grade 290 40.11

Age Total %
22 15 2.07
21 23 3.18
20 53 7.33
19 148 20.47
18 210 29.05
Subtotal 449 62.10
17 155 21.44
16 72 9.96
15 37 5.12
14 7 0.97
13 3 0.41
Subtotal 274 37.90
Total 723 100


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



Web 2.0
Web 2.0

Industry Oriented
High Tech

Current colors are green and white. Move away from green.

not sure

The incorporation of a phoenix or a phoenix wing was mentioned in a concept meeting. Abstract mark with a phoenix look maybe?? Free reign.

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  • February 18, 2011 9:06 PM
    sihem sihem
    Hai Vector... Thanks.

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  • February 18, 2011 9:30 AM
    DirtyBadgerDesigns DirtyBadgerDesigns
    AH, my apologies - I see a congratulations is in order!

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  • February 18, 2011 9:29 AM
    DirtyBadgerDesigns DirtyBadgerDesigns
    We have developed our concepts into 3D should you wish to view them.

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  • February 18, 2011 1:25 AM
    vector vector
    congrats winner:)

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  • February 16, 2011 3:04 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    Shiem ----> Please check uploaded file in brief!! Thanks!!

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  • February 15, 2011 12:54 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    jeblok #71 ---> Perhaps try dark blue symbol with a lighter color phoenix like white or lighter color blue, love the concept! ganesganesh #64 ---> Could you possibly remove extra red "Flare" or "Twirl" on end of wing? Feel like it is too much for the eye. budimierink #61, #60 ---> Remove square accent from the phoenix symbol and try a blue variation possibly?? myhands ----> There has been express interest from the client for #62 and #59, try a blue variation instead of gold/orange. Thanks everyone keep up the work!!

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  • February 15, 2011 12:48 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    early---> #92, would you be willing to change out the red for a dark blue in the mark and underline? Logoon ----> #76, same, maybe try some blues instead of the burnt oragne color vable, alocelja ---> Love your concepts, would also like to see a blue variation on #75 and #53 Thanks everyone!! Cleint meeting is tomorrow Feb 16th, please try to have your concept in by Noon Eastern American time for full consideration!!! Keep up the good work! So thankful for all of your ideas!!

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  • February 15, 2011 12:42 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    Vector --> I really like #18 and #21, on #18 possible try a simpler solution for the phoenix in the O, and same with #21, find a simpler mark for the mark above the type, one that's not so tall. Other than that love your work!! Keep it up! Thanks everyone!

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  • February 11, 2011 5:29 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    Blueblu ---> Like the concept, maybe simplify the bird a little bit in #45. addy ---> Same with your concept in #41. Thanks for the work! Keep it up everyone!

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  • February 11, 2011 12:54 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    GraySource ---> #11, like the symbol, but not a fan of the type, perhaps try some different serif and sans serif fonts. Great work though! Looking forward to seeing more!!

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  • February 11, 2011 9:24 AM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    jeblok---> Maybe create another comp like #30 without the bird body, use just the tail as a mark above the type.. Looks awesome! Thanks for your submissions!

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  • February 11, 2011 9:21 AM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    Awesome work Everyone! Forwarding link to client so they can check them out. Keep it up! Thanks!

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  • February 10, 2011 9:17 PM
    zaipo zaipo
    #5 & #6 too similar

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  • February 10, 2011 4:59 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    frely ---> Love them, maybe use the dark blue to silver/gray gradient you used for the symbol in #5 for the symbol in #6. Also mimic color of type in #5 to #6 maybe. Keep up the nice work!! myhands ---> Love the phoenix #4, cant wait to see more of your comps!!

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  • February 10, 2011 2:08 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    fixdesign --> Awesome concept on #3, perhaps some tweaking to the phoenix itself, I was told some may confuse it with a duck or a goose. Keep up the awesome work everyone!!!

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  • February 10, 2011 1:29 PM
    rjhuff41 rjhuff41
      Project Holder
    Serartbutan --> You #2 draft with the silloutte is very interesting, also, current colors are green and white, the client is trying to move away from green so maybe try some other colors too. Possibly try something a bit simpler with the type a bigger part of the design. Thanks for the work!!

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