Maxx Fitness
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Last Logged in : 4725days14hrs ago |
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Maxx Fitness
Maxx Fitness
We've been running group fitness classes out of our martial arts school for over 15 years. We currently offer Cardio Kickboxing, Pilates, Core Strength, Cardio Strength, and Core Fusion. We'd like to offer Yoga in the near future. Currently, the group fitness aspect accounts for 5% of our total sales. To take it to the next level, we'd like to give the fitness program an identity of it's own.
We offer five electrifying fitness classes, each unique in their approach to help you lose weight, tone your muscles, and increase your conditioning when it is convenient to you! Unlike expensive gym memberships, where you pay your dues regardless of whether you attend or not, our fitness classes have no monthly fees or contracts. We use punch cards that can be applied to the variety of fitness classes that we offer.
Abstract Mark
Our martial arts school primarily uses Red, Black and white. I am open to using a similar color patern for Maxx Fitness or going outside the box.
not sure
Here is some of the brainstorming (taglines & descriptions) that we came up with around the concept to help you picture it a little easier....
Maxx your mind, Maxx your body, Maxx your life
Take it to the Maxx
Big results require big changes: Take it to the Maxx
Maxx effort=Maxx results
I would want to avoid things like figures using weights or barbells and other ideas similar to this that are frequently done in the fitness industry. Also avoid using dials or volume controls to indicate 'Maxx'.
Many of the women love the brand LuLuLemon. They wear their workout clothes and always talk about it. Obviously LuLu has connected with my target demographic somehow.
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