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Logo for Volleyball National Volleyball Camps

Jessy Jones Volleyball Academy

Contest Holder Jones834 ?

Last Logged in : 984days22hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for Volleyball National Voll ...
Industry: Sports Logo
Contest Launched: Feb 28, 2016
Selected: 1 winning design from 56 concepts
Winning Design by: Designatian
Close Date: Mar 07, 2016

Logo for Volleyball National Volleyball Camps - Sports

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo for Volleyball National Volleyball Camps

Jessy Jones Volleyball Academy


I am Jessy Jones and I have played professional volleyball for the last 8 years and I also trained with the USA Womens National Team. My camps are very technical and I teach the best/proven technique for the game of volleyball.

BUT what I am really concerned with is affecting these kids lives in a positive way and being a great role model for them. I also am very passionate about teaching the coaches the technique and also showing them how inspire their kids. I care about the "Whole/complete" athlete, not just their skills on the ball court.

The logo can be simple and maybe encompass a circle with the Name? Indicating caring about the entire athlete?? I am really not sure...

I also like the idea of being a "light" to these players. We run Chrisitan Ministry camps as well but these are not with a Christian Ministry but I always sneak it in there...SO maybe a shining light somewhere subtle???

Also there is maybe something you can do with my initials? JJ??? I just really have no idea what to do and it is why I clicked all the boxes! I am so sorry but I am not creative in this aspect! I need you guys!


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark




I really like Red, white, and Blue. But at the same time I don't want it to look tacky...Maybe Keep most of it fairly subtle with a pop of color here and there???

not sure

I don't like the typical volleyball inside the logo...I think it is tacky and overdone.

I like the idea of maybe a big circle??? I also like the idea of incorporating the american flag somehow small and not easily noticed...Like just the colors not so much the actual flag.

I really just don't know.

I will mainly be using this logo for my website and for the girls T-Shirts. I want them to be excited to wear the shirt...SOmething has to pop about it.

I have been around the world learning different techniques from all different coaches. Maybe we can somehow incorporate the globe or something pertaining to that?

I will attach my flyer I have used in the past and also some photos. I might like just the outline of me hitting in all black in the logo...just an idea. Would be cool because most of those are just computer generated but this would actually be me.

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  • February 29, 2016 12:44 PM
    Jones834 Jones834
      Project Holder
    OK also my number was 11 and it would be cool if it was hidden somewhere in there...Kinda like the Big 10 logo??? Used to have the 11 hidden inside because there were actually 11 teams (now i think they have like 17) haha

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  • February 29, 2016 12:27 PM
    Jones834 Jones834
      Project Holder
    Hey! The designs coming in are AWESOME! I remembered something you guys may be able to use. I wear a nike headband when I play and it has sort of become how people know me...Not sure if you can incorporate it somehow making it obvious enough on what it actually is. Maybe one on a vball?

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  • February 29, 2016 1:11 AM
    Jones834 Jones834
      Project Holder
    Hey Everyone. I think I made a mistake on selecting modern and simple as design choices...I do think we need it to look youthful. If that means there is a volleyball in there somewhere, than lets try it and see how it looks. Maybe the volleyball can have something else inside, than just the typical lines? Flag? But it can't look like the USA volleyball logo... I am sorry I am not more help! -Jessy

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