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Logo for retro football (soccer) t-shirt company

Old School Football

Contest Holder dominiccarson5971 ?

Last Logged in : 3706days17hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

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Project: Logo for retro football (soccer) ...
Industry: Sports Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 05, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 69 concepts
Winning Design by: craftymom333
Close Date: Mar 20, 2013

Logo for retro football (soccer) t-shirt company - Sports

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo for retro football (soccer) t-shirt company

Old School Football


1 Simple
2 Old fashioned
3 Reminiscent of the past
4 Football (Soccer)





Black and white and shades of both Equally happy to consider faded colours like an old advert or cigarette card

not sure

I like old black and white photographs of 1920's football/soccer matches

I really like vintage sports posters (e.g. search 'vintage soccer poster sport toto' in google for an example or look at for ispiration)

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  • March 12, 2013 2:44 PM
    dominiccarson5971 dominiccarson5971
      Project Holder
    Thank you all for your continued submissions. It is important that the logo represent the vintage 'old school' nature of the goods 1900-1930s footballers wore old fashioned football boots, long shorts and old fashioned shirts with either large collars or no collars and a laced up neck. They kicked old style, leather footballs (see more uploaded pictures). They sported old-fashioned haircuts and often moustaches! (google search images for 'cigarette cards footballers') The image: Needs to work in monochrome Needs to work as a logo and a clothes tag Would work well in muted colours (2 to 4 colours max) I like the designs of Michael Schwab I have uploaded some more images which may help fine-tune the designs Thanks again for your work DC

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  • March 10, 2013 5:22 AM
    dominiccarson5971 dominiccarson5971
      Project Holder
    Image 9 Thanks for your work. This needs to work as a simple clothes label, not website. Please visit this link.

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  • March 09, 2013 12:31 PM
    dominiccarson5971 dominiccarson5971
      Project Holder
    Thank you all for your input so far Images #7 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 I very much like the Michael Schwab style font (and images) with the background solid and the lettering in a paler colour (as seen in the link below) Thanks

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  • March 09, 2013 12:23 PM
    dominiccarson5971 dominiccarson5971
      Project Holder
    Image 7 Feedback Thanks I like your image. It reminds me of 1950s adverts.I like the simple use of colours. I think the ball could be improved.

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  • March 09, 2013 12:16 PM
    dominiccarson5971 dominiccarson5971
      Project Holder
    Image 4 feedback. Thanks for your work.I do like your image. I'm looking a more Gentlemanly (1900s amateur) image.

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  • March 06, 2013 1:18 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Project Holder: Please be informed that your project is a veiled project and designers are restricted to view only their own drafts which ensure that each design has its own originality however, you being a project holder can see all the designs. Suggestion: Provide consistent feedback and star rating on designs to attract more designers towards your project. Thanks, MB/LDG/LS Team.

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  • March 06, 2013 1:18 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers!! MycroBurst permits you to submit unlimited designs with unlimited variations. However, if you are providing 2 or 3 different color versions of the same logo in one draft, please make sure that if the particular draft gets finalized, each color version should be separated before you will send the final files. Thanks, MB/LDG/LS Team

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