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Logo for Golf Blog/Review Site

Three Putt Bogey

Contest Holder ThreePuttBogey ?

Last Logged in : 4854days2mins ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for Golf Blog/Review Site
Industry: Sports Logo
Contest Launched: May 12, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 151 concepts
Winning Design by: BIMPOP
Close Date: May 22, 2011

Logo for Golf Blog/Review Site - Sports

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo for Golf Blog/Review Site

Three Putt Bogey

Yes a website of golf fanatics that enjoy all aspects of golf (including the frustrating), and celebrate it with a site that includes golf blogging, equipment and course reviews as well as our own brand of fantasy golf.

The logo will be used on the website, and on business cards and letterhead for marketing. We're also planning on getting the logo embroidered on golf the logo will require a version without shading or gradient effects.

We want golf, but not too much golf.....We're looking for a logo that doesn't have to scream golf to be identified as our brand.



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Web 2.0
Web 2.0

Industry Oriented

We're thinking golf course colors: Green, Yellow, Black, White. Ultimately we're up for all options, though. Be as creative as you'd like.

not sure

The name Three Putt Bogey really embodies the way the site's owners view's something that is very enjoyable even when it's at it's most frustrating, and we're trying to build a site and a brand to convey that general message.

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  • May 22, 2011 11:12 AM
    roxygs roxygs
      Project Holder
    #131 is great!

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  • May 19, 2011 8:19 PM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    We've extended the deadline another 3 days to focus on some of the concepts we have so far and to allow everyone some more time to come up with new ideas. Keep the great logos coming!

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  • May 19, 2011 12:00 PM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    @BigRed22: No question that this is exactly what you feel like after a three putt bogey, but we're looking for something that we can use as our corporate identity to help us sell to advertisers. We're just concerned that anything that highlights the negative aspects of golf might hurt that cause.

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  • May 19, 2011 11:19 AM
    bigred22 bigred22
    You didn't like #56, #57 and #58???... j/k. I know they were a little straight forward. I'll make something a little more abstract. You have to admit though, that is what you feel like after missing a putt that close.

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  • May 18, 2011 9:26 PM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    Guys...we like many of the designs so far, but haven't fallen in love with anything yet. Keep them coming! Also, we do like the logos including "TPB" in designs #45 and #76. See what you can come up with along those lines!

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  • May 18, 2011 9:15 PM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    anoise, please note the proper spelling of "Bogey" in your designs. Please correct the spelling...we like your work, but can't really consider it with a misspelling.

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  • May 17, 2011 1:08 PM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    were also not opposed to more colors and gradients, just so long as we have a two-three color version for apparel

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  • May 17, 2011 12:35 PM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    we see a lot of submissions with a golfer as the main focal point, were not necessarily sold on a golfer being the image or shape used...i like the use of a tee or perhaps any other "golfing" objects or icons. Great work so far...keep sending in those submissions - were definitely getting closer to what were looking for.

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  • May 17, 2011 12:35 PM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    we see a lot of submissions with a golfer as the main focal point, were not necessarily sold on a golfer being the image or shape used...i like the use of a tee or perhaps any other "golfing" objects or icons. Great work so far...keep sending in those submissions - were definitely getting closer to what were looking for.

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  • May 16, 2011 8:44 AM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    were still looking for a iconic image for our brand, keep sending in those drafts!

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  • May 15, 2011 10:42 AM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    were looking for a design that embodies what our site represents, an image/object that can be viewed and recognized. We want an iconic logo that would not have to be explained in order for consumers to understand.

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  • May 15, 2011 10:36 AM
    ThreePuttBogey ThreePuttBogey
      Project Holder
    Draft #11 - we like the idea here, what is the purpose of the 'o' with a triangle upside down, a bird? this is the direction where we have an object item or something that represents our brand. we would like to see something much less cartoonish and more professional.

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