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LEFC (Langley Evangelical Free Church) Logo

2 part logo: 1) our initials 'LEFC' 2) campus names 'City Park' & 'Clayton Heights' used separately

Contest Holder LEFC1 ?

Last Logged in : 4795days3hrs ago

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Creative Brief

LEFC (Langley Evangelical Free Church) Logo

2 part logo: 1) our initials 'LEFC' 2) campus names 'City Park' & 'Clayton Heights' used separately

"one church in multiple locations" (still being tweaked...)


We're a church that's on the move outside our walls into our community...helping everyone be within arms reach of experiencing Jesus. Our next big move is planting a church campus in another town and this necessitates a name change. Stage one involves us moving to using our initials along with the campus location. So in one location we're LEFC City Park and in the other we're LEFC Clayton Heights.

This logo will be featured in house and externally on promotional material, signage, website etc. Visit us at to get a feel for us.

For inspiration look to churches logos like Mars Hill , Trinity Grace Church, Vintage Church & Austin Stone

Religion and Spirituality

Logo Type
Logo Type



We're open. We're located on the west coast of British Columbia surrounded by beautiful oceans, mountains, forests & rivers.

not sure

Key Success Factors:
We value creativity but aren't fans of frills & gimmicks. Keep it simple, but not boring.
Don't try to say too much or tell a story.
Avoid cliché symbols. A cross could be appropriate if it had excellent treatment.
Avoid using standard fonts that came with your computer.
The ideal logo will be easy to read.



  • August 05, 2011 3:37 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin

    MB Staff Announcement:

    The Project Holder has withdrawn this contest. All of you have worked very hard on this contest. Since the PH will not select a winner, we have chosen ‘anjam’ as the unofficial winner, and MycroBurst will award him $50.00 for effort.
    At MycroBurst, we appreciate all of the time and hard work put in by the design community. We want you, the designers to know we love rewarding you and we want you to keep up the great work!

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  • July 19, 2011 10:33 AM
    anjam anjam
    Thanks for the feedback! The teardrop and inside coloured circle represents a person with arms lifted above their head (not sure if that came across at all?) I will make amendments as soon as possible...

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  • July 19, 2011 9:56 AM
      Project Holder
    #29 I like the general direction you're going. The logo doesn't need to have the words 'Langley Evangelical Free Church' in it, in fact we don't want that. Also, can you take the tear drop out of the middle, and keep working with the circles's got potential...

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  • July 18, 2011 5:10 PM
      Project Holder
    Just to clarify, we're looking for a logo that can say LEFC City Park OR LEFC Clayton Heights, not both at the same time. Different locations require different variations on the logo. Also, we would ideally like the tag line "one church in many locations" featured.

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