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I need a logo for Game Planet

Game Planet

Contest Holder edsexton81 ?

Last Logged in : 3860days7hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: I need a logo for Game Planet
Industry: Video Gaming Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 05, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 81 concepts
Winning Design by: Adwork
Close Date: Aug 15, 2011

I need a logo for Game Planet  - Video Gaming

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

I need a logo for Game Planet

Game Planet

Where players shine


This design is for my local retail/online gaming center. There will be cubicles sent up within the center for each gamer. Each gamer pays a fee either monthly or by visit/walk-in to play xbox 360 or ps3 games online in competition. They are rewarded in store prizes for accomplishments or tournament wins. Also within the store will concessions and a video game retail store.

Video Gaming

Logo Type
Logo Type



Web 2.0
Web 2.0

Industry Oriented
High Tech

I want to make sure that either the word game or the word planet is in green, either a neon or a cool alien-type green color. The the other colors Id like to see maybe black, white, or purple. Maybe the letters outlined in one or a combo of those colors. And id like to see a colorful planetarium incorporated somewhere in this logo.


My company mascot will be an alien. So i for sure want an alien incorporated somewhere in the logo. Preferably in one of the letters of gameplanet or Im up for suggestions. I also would like a planetarium backdrop kinda feel to it, with stars, planets, moon, etc with lots of poppy colors.

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  • August 14, 2011 10:32 AM
    rachoud rachoud
    Congrats Adwork great job :))

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  • August 14, 2011 10:24 AM
    vwArt vwArt
    Really nice art Adwork! Congrats - you deserve the win!

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  • August 14, 2011 9:22 AM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    And the WINNER IS......................................Adworkwith his great design. Thanks a bunch. Thanks to everyone that participated in this project. All you guys are great designers. This was such a touch choice, but in my mind the right one! Have a good day!

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  • August 13, 2011 9:57 PM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    WOW....I never knew this would be so tough. Im down now to 3 designs and I am racking my brain to which one to pick? GOsh rachoud those t-shirts look awesome in draft #72, with the designs you took from #71. I love it! And hatter, I really need to see all your designs on a t-shirt like that. That really gives me a clear picture as to what I like best. That will help me greatly to judge these. Ill be awaiting to see! Also Adwork....could you please put your designs on a t-shirt like that for me. Id really appreciate it. I need to that yours on one. And crberry12, Im so sorry but it looks like I might have to eliminate your design. Thank you so much for your participation. It was greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work! So basically I need to see the remaining designs on t-shirts. After I see them I will judge and pick the winner. Thanks guys!

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  • August 13, 2011 5:33 PM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    I HAVE to start eliminating some designs. Im sorry guys I just have to clear some off to make my decision easier. Thanks!

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  • August 13, 2011 3:21 PM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    Hey guys...I just wanted to post another update while I have the time right now. I have been contemplating over the designs really the whole day. And as of right now I just about have my mind made up. Now, I do not want to end the contest early because in the early going of this contest I had several other designers say they are working on their design. But I havent heard a word or seen any work of any of the ones I am talking about. So the reason for me telling you all this is because IF YOU ARE WORKING ON ANOTHER DESIGN I RECOMMEND YOU EITHER SUBMIT IT SOON OR YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO AT ALL. This IS NOT a tactic of any kind to speed this process up because as it stands right now I have so many concepts to choose from that Im very happy at were it stands, and can make my decision at any time. Im just wanting any designers that havent submitted their design to know this because Id like to give them the respect they deserve and not let them carry on with trying to come up with other designs and then me shut the contest down suddenly. I may possibly be choosing a winner tonight at my time, which is in about 6 hrs or so give or take. SO I ask if anyone needs anything from me please send me a pm or reply back here on the board and ill check it regularly throughout the day. So if you are wanting to make either a new design or a revision to an existing design, I just want to let you know its possible this could be the last few hrs or so to come. Thanks so much for everybodys hard work on this, I want you to know its much appreciated from me. All you all do great work, and for a heads up, Im looking for a website design soon. SO I may be hosting another contest soon. Stay tuned for that if interested. Thanks!

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  • August 12, 2011 6:09 PM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    Ok so Im a little late on my update, but nonetheless here goes. And I wanna say this is a very very tough decision as I am still back and forth, but what I do know is Im gonna be spending alot of time just looking over all these designs and seeing which one I can see thats best for me and my business. (Places as of right now) 1st- Draft #50 and #56 cant decide which one is best but I like them both a lot. They are very versatile designs that can be used with multiple things. Keep up the good work. Let me stress the reason for these designs being at top of the list is I mention earlier in the contest, that I need a primary logo, secondary logo, and like initials logo with like GP and something with it. Adwork you have covered all these and it looks awesome. 2nd- Close between draft #38, 39, and 35. But I can say subvers that these designs are my favorite of yours. And im having a very tough time here narrowing it down between these three. Youve done a great job and you are a very close 2nd place. I know you have done several concepts, but as I mentioned above. Id really like to see a secondary logo with a little bit of difference, and a gp logo which would be maybe imprinted on sleeves of t-shirts. Thats all I can think of as far as your work. THe designs so far have been great, just would like to see others in conjunction with the main logo. 3rd place- Man this is were it really gets tough to decide on. Let me explain a little. If I had to pick a 3rd place, Id choose design draft #'s 59 or 53. I think this design needs a little something else to make it really great, dont really know what that could be though. Its 3rd because of the secondary, and initials design. IF designs 33 and 22 had secondaries and intials logo like I want such as in #59 or 57 and it looked as good as the originals then it would be 3rd place or higher, just depends on the look. 4th- If I had to pick 4th place it would go to draft #22 by rachoud. This design when I first saw it was the one that blew me away. I guess as time has went on its lost its flavor, but still packs a punch. I feel very confident in saying if this design was worked on a little more or slightly added to or redesigned just a little. It could be 1st or 2nd. Of course along with secondary and a initals logo. 5th place- This place is for sure #33. This is a design, thats very catchy, but lacks something at the same time. Again with a little more work and with secondary logo, and initials logo with gp, this thing could be at the top of the list too. I feel like the secondary logo on this which is the alien with planetarium around it is good, but would have to be a signature piece later down the road, but maybe this alien head with gameplanet or gp with it in style could be good. Looks great, just needs something more.

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  • August 12, 2011 11:59 AM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    Ok guys....I'm on my cell phone replying back and to say the least its tough to flip through the pages and designs and rate them this way. But at 5:00est which is my time I will post and rate the designs I like and you can maybe edit them as I give feedback. At the time of this posting its 12:58pm so in about 4 hrs ill let you know something....thanks again and keep up the hard work. Also I need a website template I'm wondering if I have to start a whole other project for that? Can you all reply back and let me know about that? Thanks!

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  • August 12, 2011 10:46 AM
    subvers subvers
    With all the respect, I am not telling him what to do, I just gave him a little advise.

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  • August 12, 2011 10:34 AM
    crberry12 crberry12
    Subvers P.S. you don't need to be telling the customer what to do. Its there company and there project.

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  • August 12, 2011 9:05 AM
    subvers subvers
    Edward, please make a top 5 of the drafts you like the most, so we can know what to improve. P.S.: Think about your customers age, I don't advise using a cartoonish style.

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  • August 10, 2011 6:37 AM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    WOW....I wake up and check to see if there is anymore designs and I see that there is 6 more concepts. I cant say enough about you all. You are great designers. Subvers you have already outdone yourself man....those all look so great. And vwArt I love how you went back and came up with drafts #33 and #34. Man those look great. I knew this would happen though just when I thought man it cant get any better than 1 I like you all keep bringing more. Guys all I have to say is you are fanatastic, really. So, keep up the good work, and either bring me some new ideas or to be honest Im fine with what concepts I see, but would just like more little changes in some thats already there. maybe just change a color, switch colors around, alien placement, font change, stuff like that. If you would rather make a new one though, of course Im always up for that. I cant wait to choose one of these and say its my own. Thanks again guys!

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  • August 09, 2011 5:27 PM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    Ok after seeing the last few design concepts, Id like to give you all an update and where I stand on what I like and maybe dont like as much. I love all these designs you all do awesome work. There is just some that stand out or are better than others. In first as of right now is draft #22. Thanks rachoud for that great logo. Whats so good about it is it can be used in so many forms, I love that. Looks great! Right behind that is draft #20 and draft #15 from subvers. Man your work is so awesome. Keep it up! With the right adjustments you are maybe in the top spot. Not sure. WOuld love to see the specs of dust or particles in #20 be implemented in designs #14 or #15. And coming in 3rd is sumit128 with design #19. This design is so great. All it needs is a little something....but cant really put my finger on what that may be. Hopefully you can implement something else in there and make it more appealing to me. But nonetheless thats such a good design. I also love #18 and every time I look at it it grows on me. My wife really loves that one. Thanks!

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  • August 09, 2011 6:59 AM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    Also I just wanted to throw this out there. I've decided I am wanting a primary logo and a secondary logo. The primary/main logo will be used for center/store use. BIG OUTDOOR SIGN, merchandise labeling. The secondary logo will be used on t-shirts, apparel, printing materials, advertising materials, website. So, There will be a guaranteed winner of this contest as you all already know. But for whichever design I like second to the winner will be made an offer through the website and leave it to you to accept the offer or not. So Im actually guaranteeing 2 winners not just one. THanks!

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  • August 08, 2011 6:58 PM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    Just so you guys know....this logo will mainly be used to advertise my gaming center/store on a neon or backlit sign above door of entrance. The design will also be used on company t-shirts, merchandise, and website use.

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  • August 08, 2011 8:49 AM
    subvers subvers
    As I see in the brief, you want only 3 colors, if we use fade effects or glossy colors we automatically use a lot more colors, and I don't recommand you this if you want to use the logo for t-shirts, banners, anything that means printing.

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  • August 07, 2011 9:05 PM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    IF I had to pick where yall stand right now in order of likeness Id say: Draft #11 is 1st- Love this, just needs something extra. Draft #4 is 2nd - Like this, just needs a little touch or 2. Draft #10 in 3rd.- Great potential, just needs to be a little more creative. Draft #1 in 4th. This one with work has great potential.

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  • August 07, 2011 9:01 PM
    edsexton81 edsexton81
      Project Holder
    I really like Draft #'s 1, 4, 10, 11, 12 so far. First I wanna say Thanks guys and keep up the good work you all are doing I appreciate it a lot. Id like to see maybe a random madeup game character somewhere in the logo, if thats possible, if not thats ok. I have two ideas in my head that I need from you guys. First one is Im looking for is a centerpiece like in draft #4, but I need more detail. Such as stars, asteriods, moon, planets, etc. Also maybe incorporate a power button in a letter, the aliens head in a letter and maybe game in one color and then planet in a different, a controller d-pad maybe. Im throwing things out there. I dont want to make things hard on you guys but Id like to see a centerpiece like in Draft 4 but with curved lettering either under it or over it preferably over it. Now the other idea which is the first idea I really had in my head is kinda a mixture of a few projects here and Ill explain. Id like to have game planet wrote in either the lettering in #11 or glossy like in #4. One of the words a different color than the other, alien head in one of the letters, and something I havent seen yet which im hoping I do is, the planetarium look to kinda cover over or over top the lettering with like a fade effect, that was my original idea.

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