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FreedomWorks - New Logo


Contest Holder tmolson ?

Last Logged in : 4433days7hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: FreedomWorks - New Logo
Contest Launched: Jun 24, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 40 concepts
Winning Design by: mnorth
Close Date: Jul 05, 2012

FreedomWorks - New Logo - Religion and Spirituality

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

FreedomWorks - New Logo


Reconciling to God, Family and Community (or "The Revolving Door Stops Here.")


We are a prisoner reentry and aftercare community in north Minneapolis. Our goal is to transform violent predators into courageous peacemakers, hardcore criminals into upstanding citizens and absent fathers into loving dads. Our mission is to help ex-offenders reconcile to God, family and community.

Religion and Spirituality

Logo Type
Logo Type



Red, White, Black and Gray


I love the image of an unlocked and open padlock. To communicate we are a faith-based nonprofit, I want the keyhole to be in the shape of a cross.

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  • July 05, 2012 5:34 PM
    mnorth mnorth
    Can you check your private messages up in the top right-hand corner? There is one from 2 days ago but obviously it can be disregarded. Thanks for all the help!

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  • July 05, 2012 5:15 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #40 (mnorth) This is my favorite so far. You have an obvious talent for designing. Every suggestion I've made you've incorporated. You've done a great job designing within those constraints. A question ... Given that this current design is in the 97% of being perfect, what would you add to this? How would you change/improve it? Are the colors and proportion to your liking? Any different fonts you'd prefer? I'm pretty positive we're going to go with #40 ... but I wanted to give space for someone of your caliber to submit a "free-form" design without any constraints. I'd be foolish not to ask you to do this :)

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  • July 05, 2012 1:07 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #39 (mnorth) Yes! Thank you ... I love the color of red you have ... But just for comparison: 1) Could I see the red 1 or 2 shades brighter (not orange) so it stands out a bit more with the black background? 2) Lighten the gray a shade for the words in the tagline so it stands out more with the black background 3) Make the cross just a tad smaller (not much)

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  • July 05, 2012 8:27 AM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #38 (mnorth) Love ... Love ... Love! (We're almost there) I love having a white background version and a black background version. The white cross is also a keeper. Now we are just "fine-tuning" ... 1) Can the cross be a just a tad thinner? 2) The gray words in the tag line (in the black background version) be a shade lighter?

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  • July 04, 2012 11:40 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #32 (mnorth) One more thing ... (this is a VERY STRONG design) Could I see what this could look like on a black background? Keep the red and gray ... but change the black text to white text.

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  • July 04, 2012 11:30 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #32 (mnorth) I still REALLY love this design: Could I see it with: 1) Exact same fonts, but enlarge the "FREEDOMWORKS" a bit 2) Change the color of the cross to white; keep everything else the same

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  • July 04, 2012 8:46 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #32 (mnorth) Your "red" tone is perfection.

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  • July 04, 2012 8:45 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #33 (igikbuang) I really like this one a lot. Could I see this design with the following changes: 1) "FREEDOMWORKS" in a different sans serif font (not quite as bold; but I do like how you chose a font where the "M" and the "W" mirror each other. Any more fonts like that?) 2) Make the padlock a lightly darker charcoal gray 3) Choose a more playful--but readable--handwritten font for the tag line

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  • July 04, 2012 8:40 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #32 (mnorth) Love it! This is one of the finalists. For the sake of comparison, could I see this design with: 1) "FREEDOMWORKS" in a slightly condensed Helvetica font 2) proportionally, make "FREEDOMWORKS" just a tad larger (keep the icon the same size) 3) a very readable handwriting font for the tag line

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  • July 04, 2012 3:44 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #24 (mnorth) This is definitely in the TOP THREE designs I've seen. Could I see it with the following changes: 1) Make "FREEDOM" black and "WORKS" red 2) Could you try a red that is halfway between what you used in #24 and what you did in #30 Thanks for trying out the square -- I like you concept of the circle much better. Keep up the great work!

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  • July 04, 2012 3:40 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #31 (DanHussey) I really like the fonts you're using. Could I see this design with the following changes: 1) Make a more representational opened padlock icon to the left of FreedomWorks 2) Use a very readable handwriting font for the tagline

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  • July 04, 2012 3:35 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #27 (igikbuang) Yes ... I really like what you're doing with this. Could I see it with the following changes: 1) Make the padlock open a bit at an angle 2) Thicken the cross a bit so it's not quite so narrow 3) Make "FREEDOMWORKS" a bit larger (in proportion to the padlock icon) 4) Render the padlock in charcoal gray 5) Try the tagline in a very readable handwriting font

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  • July 03, 2012 6:45 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #24 (mnorth) Your design is getting VERY CLOSE. Could I see it with the following changes: 1) Change from burgundy to bright red 2) Try another font for "FREEDOMWORKS" - highly readable, sans serif 3) Change the circle to a square with rounded corners

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  • July 03, 2012 2:27 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #23 (mnorth) Nice work! I love the circle with the padlock. Could I see this design with: 1) "WORKS" in boldface, "FREEDOM" normal 2) Lower the horizontal line on the cross just a bit AND another version with "FreedomWorks" (one word, uppercase F and W) in another highly readable font (like Helvetica with spaces between the letters slightly condensed)

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  • July 03, 2012 12:13 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #9 (igikbuang) A very strong design concept! However, I don't think the intricate details of the profiles will photocopy very well. Keep the circle around the padlock--looks great! Could I see this design with: 1) A more readable handwriting font for the tagline 2) A simple, representational opened padlock

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  • July 03, 2012 12:09 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #10 (niklasiliffedesign) I really like the simplicity. This design has promise! Could I see this design with: 1) "Freedom" in black and "Works" in brighter red 2) The padlock "opened" a bit more at an angle (to make it a bit more obvious) 3) A different (very readable) handwriting font for the tag line 4) Could you experiment with different (readable) fonts for FreedomWorks? 5) Could I see a version where "FreedomWorks" is in ALL CAPS?

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  • July 03, 2012 12:03 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #22 (mnorth) This is a very strong design ... However, I don't think the FW is going to catch on. Love the font/colors you used for the tag line! Could I see this design with: 1) The same padlock rendered in black/white 2) Icon to the left of FreedomWorks 3) Choose a different font for FreedomWorks (I like the ALL CAPS, but it looks a bit space-agey)

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  • July 03, 2012 11:58 AM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    #16 (mnorth) I'm liking this ... Could you put the icon to the left of FreedomWorks? Also: 1) render the padlock in black/white 2) keep the circle 3) eliminate the lines emanating from the padlock 4) More "red" than burgundy

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  • July 01, 2012 3:19 PM
    tmolson tmolson
      Project Holder
    I'm looking for a more representational-looking padlock (that is easily identified). It should be obvious that it is opened and that instead of a keyhole there is a cross. The other part--the name and the tagline--can be more "artistic". I don't want people to have to struggle to see what they're looking at.

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  • June 25, 2012 11:48 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers!! MycroBurst permits you to submit unlimited designs with unlimited variations. However, if you are providing 2 or 3 different color versions of the same logo in one draft, please make sure that if the particular draft gets finalized, each color version should be separated before you will send the final files. Thanks, MB/LDG Team

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