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(Expedite)Logo design for a non-profit sports performance training company


Contest Holder LWare ?

Last Logged in : 3382days11hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: (Expedite)Logo design for a non-p ...
Industry: Sports Logo
Contest Launched: Feb 27, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 321 concepts
Winning Design by: x3mart
Close Date: Mar 06, 2014

(Expedite)Logo design for a non-profit sports performance training company - Sports

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

(Expedite)Logo design for a non-profit sports performance training company


Change Your Game


The goal of the logo is to represent a non-profit organization that works in the area youth training. Ages 7-Up. Below is our mission statement that sums it all up:

Change Your Game (CYG) delivers a core foundational approach to equipping young athletes with the necessary tools needed to maximize his or her athletic potential through proven research and knowledge-based drills. At CYG it is our desire to impact the community around us by investing in the lives of kids while teaching them to make healthy choices to enhance their success in life.”


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark




High Tech

Start off with red and black but try any other color as well.

not sure

Nothing at the moment. Pretty much I would like to see what you guys come up with from scratch. Maybe after I will upload some files.

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  • March 06, 2014 9:03 PM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Hello Everyone, First off I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work and hours that everyone has put in to their images for us to decide on. We have made a final decision and the logo designer we are going to go with is..............................x3mart #312. Congratulations. We still have other designs that you all are welcome to compete for as well. Our company still needs to work on "Marketing Collateral" and "Business Cards Stationary." Thank you again to all. Happy drawings in the future.

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  • March 04, 2014 10:18 PM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Hey Everyone, These designs are coming together very nicely. Thank you all for your hard work on the logo's. Keep in mind a couple of things as we look to posting updates: 1) Always give me the image on a white, black, and gray transparent background. 2) Look at the attachments: Really pay close attention to the attachments that I have uploaded. I update them all from time to time. If I have commented for you to look at the attachments that means LOOK AT THE ATTACHMENTS. Don't try and guess what I am asking for you to do. Its hard to do when we are only chatting online and not face to face. Most likely what I describe is from that specific attachment. Keep up the good work!

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  • March 04, 2014 10:18 PM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Hey Everyone, These designs are coming together very nicely. Thank you all for your hard work on the logo's. Keep in mind a couple of things as we look to posting updates: 1) Always give me the image on a white, black, and gray transparent background. 2) Look at the attachments: Really pay close attention to the attachments that I have uploaded. I update them all from time to time. If I have commented for you to look at the attachments that means LOOK AT THE ATTACHMENTS. Don't try and guess what I am asking for you to do. Its hard to do when we are only chatting online and not face to face. Most likely what I describe is from that specific attachment. Keep up the good work!

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  • March 04, 2014 10:16 PM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Hey Everyone, These designs are coming together very nicely. Thank you all for your hard work on the logo's. Keep in mind a couple of things as we look to posting updates: 1) Always give me the image on a white transparent background as well as a gray transparent background 2) Look at the attachments: Really pay close attention to the attachments that I have uploaded. I update them all from time to time. If I have commented for you to look at the attachments that means LOOK AT THE ATTACHMENTS.

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  • March 03, 2014 9:26 PM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Hey Everyone, Just wanted to encourage you all to keep up the good work. I will be making comments here and there again today and tomorrow of small details to change in some of your logo's you provided for us.

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  • March 02, 2014 6:47 AM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Morning Everyone on the East Coast! You guys are getting a lot better with the logo designs. Keep up the good work. I will also start commenting and continue to lead you guys in the right direction for our final logo design. Langston Ware Founder/CEO Warehouse Training VA Committee Board for CYG

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  • March 01, 2014 1:41 PM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Hey Everyone, Just a reminder. Please check the files that have been uploaded and create designs from that idea as well.

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  • February 28, 2014 4:07 PM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Some colors to also possibly use: 1) Black letters/Green 2) Blue/Gold Lettering

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  • February 28, 2014 3:58 PM
    LWare LWare
      Project Holder
    Hey Guys, I just wanted to encourage everyone to keep up the good work! Please accept my apologies in advance if I don't respond to you guys fast enough. I am a full time Special Education teacher during the year and a Sports Performance trainer during the summer. Times and deadlines are always a challenge as you all know. Thank you for being so efficient in getting these images back to us as we are looking to having this logo finalized by next week. I will respond to each one of you as best as I can. Update: I uploaded some pictures and documents of what our team is also looking to have within our logo. Please take the time to look at these and post any questions you might have. Sincerly, Langston Ware Founder/CEO Warehouse Training VA Board Member: CYG

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