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Countryside Montessori Website Redesign

Need an unconventional, sophisticated, minimalist, and scaleable Web 2.0 redesign

Contest Holder CountrysideMontessoriSchool ?

Last Logged in : 3859days15hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Complete Web Design Solution veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

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Project Finalized

Project: Countryside Montessori Website Re ...
Industry: Education Logo
Contest Launched: May 07, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 67 concepts
Winning Design by: pixeldimension
Close Date: May 21, 2014

Countryside Montessori Website Redesign - Education

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Countryside Montessori Website Redesign

Need an unconventional, sophisticated, minimalist, and scaleable Web 2.0 redesign


Nationally recognized Montessori school in upscale Chicago suburbs. Involved parent community, mobile-phone primary users.

Features - Redesign website, making it more mobile friendly, simple, and mission-oriented. - Examples of - Fluid, responsive, minimalist, web2.0, scaleable, sliding webpage panels, sliding image presentations, vertical navigation, hover effects (CSS3 animations); General guidelines to keep in mind unconventional sophisticated NOT preschool-like minimalist clean lines, beauty, WOW-factor; aesthetically pleasing balance between functionality with aesthetic beauty scaleable COLORS/THEMES: Pantone# 385c; Pantone# 1817c; Pantone# 657c & Pantone# 454c Textured wood theme; logo-centered theme The website should resemble and have a similar feel as the school’s interior. SEE PHOTOS M1-M7 SEE PHOTOS L1-L4 SEE PHOTOS A1-A4 & B1-B4


Pantone# 385c

Pantone# 1817c

Pantone# 657c & Pantone# 454c (either of these should be background)


General guidelines to keep in mind unconventional sophisticated NOT preschool-like minimalist clean lines, beauty, WOW-factor; aesthetically pleasing balance between functionality with aesthetic beauty scaleable To do a successful design, keep 3 things in mind: 1) Beauty. Look at the photos we provided to get a feel of the environment: the interior, the children's work spaces, lighting, wood materials, etc. Visitors to our school are often amazed at its beauty. The Website should have a similar aesthetically pleasing quality, striking in beauty. Don’t feel stuck to the colors provided. Think freely, let the colors of our school/interior/environments inspire you. 2) Unconventional & sophisticated. Keep in mind the word "unconventional." We are a unique school, and want our Website not to look like every other school website. We are known for our authentic Montessori approach. We are serious about what we do. Our website should not look like that of a preschool (especially since we go from Pre-K to 8th grade). 3) Mission-centered (the WHY?) Our programs are important. But keep in mind our mission is more important to highlight. “Respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness.” To help your child become respectful, responsible, and resourceful. (see mission page). Visitors to our webpage need to know WHY we are a good school (mission), before knowing HOW we do it or WHAT we do (programs, activities, etc.) See the Golden Circle video to see what I mean.

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  • May 16, 2014 11:07 AM
    CountrysideMontessoriSchool CountrysideMontessoriSchool
      Project Holder
    Dear Designers (please see NEW IDEA pdf attachment), We've reached a point in the contest where we felt we needed to upload and provide our own concept because no designs have been unique enough for our very unique school. No one has really captured what we want. ----- So ANY ELIMINATED DESIGNER CAN PARTICIPATE in this NEW IDEA... ----- Attached, please see "NEW IDEA" file. It contains the following: ----- 1) Pages 1-5: HOME PAGE (non-scrolling; very simple; a place for a few photos and links, but beautiful and memorable) ----- 2) Pages 6-7: CONTENT PAGE (vertical scrolling, textured background, logo colors, tree design, with content areas branched out) ----- Notice that it's sophisticated, mission-centered, and aesthetically pleasing. ----- Please design your attempts to follow this general plan. IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE IDEA AND THINK YOU HAVE A BETTER APPROACH, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR IDEA. If you need clarification, send me a message. ----- If you can only do one, try doing Pages 6-7.

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  • May 09, 2014 10:28 AM
    CountrysideMontessoriSchool CountrysideMontessoriSchool
      Project Holder
    After seeing some designs, I want to reemphasize some things: Most people keep submitting "standard" style designs, ones that look almost like every other Website out there. I want to emphasize that when we see another "standard design" we say to ourselves, "they don't get it. They don't get us." This design cannot use old templates that you re-work to "fit in" our comments. It's not like most of your projects. This is a chance for risk-takers and rule-breakers to forget everything they learned in Adobe class and let their creativity go to the extreme. It must be totally different. It must be constructed form the ground up, after much reflection and thought, and consideration of who we are as a school. So, we are really looking for one designer with whom we can establish a long-term design relationship. But this person needs to do something DIFFERENT. Because so far, EVERYONE LOOKS THE SAME. Thanks!

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  • May 08, 2014 12:01 PM
    CountrysideMontessoriSchool CountrysideMontessoriSchool
      Project Holder
    It’s not about the design. It’s about the designer. He/she needs to be an unconventional person. If we find that person, we are willing to work with him/her even if the design is NOT PERFECT. To do a successful design, keep 3 things in mind: 1) Beauty. Look at the photos we provided to get a feel of the environment: the interior, the children's work spaces, lighting, wood materials, etc. Visitors to our school are often amazed at its beauty. The Website should have a similar aesthetically pleasing quality, striking in beauty. Don’t feel stuck to the colors provided. Think freely, let the colors of our school/interior/environments inspire you. 2) Unconventional & sophisticated. Keep in mind the word "unconventional." We are a unique school, and want our Website not to look like every other school website. We are known for our authentic Montessori approach. We are serious about what we do. Our website should not look like that of a preschool (especially since we go from Pre-K to 8th grade). 3) Mission-centered (the WHY?) Our programs are important. But keep in mind our mission is more important to highlight. “Respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness.” To help your child become respectful, responsible, and resourceful. (see mission page). Visitors to our webpage need to know WHY we are a good school (mission), before knowing HOW we do it or WHAT we do (programs, activities, etc.) See the Golden Circle video to see what I mean.

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